Harmony Fest West
a chance to continue the party!
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
Think ahead for a moment, to later this spring, after AC&Cs are complete. Did your quartet qualify to attend IC&C in Hershey? Your motivation to do everything possible to polish up your contest package will have you pondering performance and coaching opportunities.
If your quartet didn't qualify (or if you didn't compete at AC&C) would you like more contest experience, with a large venue and great sound system?
No quartet? Perhaps you will be wishing there was one more convention weekend to enjoy with friends that you don't often see.
Here's an offer that will be tough to refuse, whatever your situation.
Harmony Fest West! Your quartet can participate in the festival portion of the weekend - have some stage time, run your contest set, and receive evals from some of the finest judges around. There will be lots of opportunity for singing, outside of the contest and festival.
Best of all, participants will forever be remembered for being part of this historic Harmony event!
Did I mention it's going to be fun? All the things you love about our conventions will be front and center; we'll have the opportunity to introduce new folks to our wonderful and unique Harmony culture. And there'll be so much singing and great a cappella....
Check your calendar. Talk to your quartet. Invite your friends. I can't wait to see you there!
METAL: Member Experience Toolkit and Library |
Introducing ...
M E T A L: Member Experience Toolkit and Library
I’m excited to tell you about METAL, the Member Experience Toolkit and Library. You may recall from other articles and announcements, that Member Experience is one pillar of the HI Membership Task Force.
Over the coming months, the Member Experience Working Group (MEWG) will be sharing more information and tools designed to help you improve the member experience. These resources will cover both mindset and mechanics. Informational articles are examples of mindset — how we think about a member's journey within Harmony, Inc.
The MEWG will also be sharing mechanics — practical tools, strategies, and systems that will help leaders and members engage more effectively. Each chapter and Area is different, so none of these are one-size-fits-all solutions. Rather they all are part of METAL, an evolving collection of concepts and ideas that you can explore.
Stay tuned!

It's time to submit your agenda item(s)!
As Harmony members, we have the opportunity to submit agenda items for the International Board of Directors to consider and discuss at their Mid-Year and Annual meetings.
The 2025 Mid-Year IBOD meeting commences April 18. If you have agenda items to submit, please complete form HAR-009 by March 18.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Angie at recordingsecretary@harmonyinc.org
Contest Evaluation Feedback Forms |
Providing feedback about your contest evals
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
Do you want an easy opportunity to provide feedback about evaluations you received at your Area contest? Do you want a place to praise the judges who evaluated your ensemble? Do you want a place to offer your thoughts on what might have made your eval more impactful? Well, there is a form for that!
While members of the ICJ Committee are always happy to hear from you directly about the evals you received, we want to make it easy for you to provide feedback. Your comments could provide a basis for the ICJ Committee to let our judges know they are doing a great job…or to tailor future education opportunities for our judges…or to do both.
So this contest season, after your Area Convention and Contest, you will receive a note from our Corporate Office providing you with a link to the form. The form will allow you to describe how you felt about your evaluation experience, and why you felt that way. Please note that this is a “no obligation” form, to be filled out only if you want to. In other words, we look forward to hearing from you…or not. Your choice!
Harmony Fest West! Coming This Summer |

Harmony, Inc. is headed for the wild, wild west!
Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community, and an opportunity to compete to qualify for Harmony’s International Convention and Contests!
July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona, promises to be a blast as we continue to grow our westward expansion. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today!
This month we learn about Taralee Lashway, a member who makes monthly donations to Harmony, Inc., but also gives the gift time by volunteering on the International Board of Directors as our Director of Member Experience. Find out why giving back in these ways are so important to her.
How did you discover Harmony, Inc.?
After retiring from the Navy, I moved to upstate New York. Being new to the area and knowing very few people, I looked online for local arts and discovered a small theater group that was holding auditions for a community show. At the auditions, there was a woman who introduced herself to me and told me that she directed a small chorus that she felt I would fit into nicely. This chorus was Northern Blend Chorus and that woman was Katie Taylor. I came to a rehearsal one evening prior to an AC&C. The chorus was bustling around and was very focused. However, at the time, it was a little too focused and intimidating for me, so I decided to pass.
Several years later, out of the blue, I received an email from Katie inviting me to come to a Holiday Sing with the chorus. It must have been the right time in my life because, the moment I walked in the door and started singing with the chorus, I was hooked. I performed at the Holiday Sing and the week after auditioned for Northern Blend and became a member. The first AC&C blew my socks off! I couldn't get enough...I was definitely bit by the barbershop bug. Now 10 years later, I am so thankful that Katie didn't give up on me and invited me to that Holiday Sing. Harmony has been my family ever since.
What stands out for you as your most memorable moment while you have been a member of Harmony, Inc.?
This is such a difficult question since there are so many. One that is very personal for me is my first IC&C in Verona, NY, in 2015 where I wanted to do everything I could to get the full experience of the convention. Someone had suggested trying Singing With The Queens. I borrowed a CD from Lynn Blakeney from a quartet called 'EPIC' and learned the bass part from Cruella DeVille. That Thursday evening, I performed in a quartet for the very first time and FELL IN LOVE!! After that, I joined a quartet and have been in one ever since. I still love EPIC and will never forget how loving and accepting they were that day when I joined them to sing their iconic uptune. It will always be one of my favorite moments.
One most recent moment is from this past IC&C in Louisville where our lead Jodi, from my quartet BACKSTAGE PASS, unfortunately, came down with laryngitis and we had to scratch; however, instead of this bringing us down, it lifted us higher as we encouraged and supported all the other quartets that crossed the stage. We banded together and made signs, led cheers, hooted and hollered, sent hugs and kisses, expressed joy, and really offered and felt the love that Harmony, Inc. is all about. That experience was one of the most fulfilling and uplifting thus far for me. It was truly something special that I will hold dear forever.
You have set up monthly donations to HI but you also donate the gift of time by volunteering on our International Board of Directors. Please tell us why volunteering for Harmony, Inc. in this way is important to you.
Originally, I didn't think that I had anything to offer Harmony, Inc. Although I have always loved music and singing, I am not a professional and I am fairly new to barbershop. I volunteered at my chapter shortly after becoming a member to get to know others and learn more about my chapter. The more I learned, the more I wanted to do, so a year after joining NBC I ran for Vice-President and was thrilled to be elected. After that, I served as President for the next five years. It not only helped me learn about my chapter but also how to better serve the members. So, it was only natural that when I wanted to learn more about Harmony, Inc. overall, I searched to volunteer. I always want to give back to an organization that gives me so much joy.
What impact do you hope to see as a result of your financial donations?
I really hope my donations help Harmony continue to help others, like myself, to find joy in connection. Harmony, Inc. is more than just singing barbershop...it's building friendships that last forever. It's being connected to people who become family and lift you up, even when you are at your lowest. This organization has something so unique...it has an energy that is uplifting and encouraging. It becomes part of you and that is something that I hope my gifts can continue to support. |
How to be a super chorus member
By Elizabeth Meeker, Membership Coordinator
Dear Liz,
I’m in my first year of singing with a Harmony, Inc. Chapter, and I don’t have an official job! What can I do to help?
Eager to be Part of my Chorus Family
Dear Eager, we love your enthusiasm! I’d say check with your Chapter President and find out what you can do. If there are no official jobs available, here are some things you can PERSONALLY do at rehearsals to help make your chapter awesome!
- Be as punctual as possible, if rehearsal starts at 6:30 be on the risers by 6:30.
- Start with Positivity! Leave your problems at the door (to pick up after rehearsal, or not…) Come ready to learn, ready to work, and ready to encourage others!
- Speaking of risers, find out if you can help set up or break down the risers.
- Keep talking on the risers to a minimum.
- Do your best!
Corporate Office Words of Wisdom |

Lost Invoice?
It's membership renewal time of year. If you are an Associate or Affiliate member you should have received an email from Corporate Office with your renewal invoice.
If you have not received this invoice please check your spam folder to see if it landed there. If you still cannot find the invoice please contact the Corporate Office at info@harmonyinc.org.

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Surround Sound in honor of Katie Taylor
New monthly recurring donations from Frances Thomas
Atlanta Harmony Celebration! in memory of Jean Henry
White Sands A Cappella on behalf of Kathy Stone in honor of Linda Janes
Trecia Pallman-Hamilton
- to Harmony Sound Waves (Area 6) on the passing of longtime member, Mary Michael
- to Atlanta Harmony Celebration! (Area 6) on the passing of former, longtime member, Jean Henry
- to Judy Betty (Harmony Heritage, Area 2), on the passing of her brother Bruce Everett Johnson.
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you. |
International Board of Directors Meetings |
IBOD quarterly meetings are open to the membership. Members are invited to submit items for consideration on the agenda. Agendas are posted in advance on the Members Only website. Please contact the Corporate Office for details on how to join the virtual meetings or where to attend the live meetings.
Upcoming 2025 meetings are scheduled:
- Mid-Year: April 19
- Q3: August 20
- Annual: November 2-5
Q1 2025 Meeting Minutes have been posted and can be found here.

The Contest Information Forms for AC&C are now available.
HAR-061 Official Area Quartet Contest Information Form
HAR-063 Official Area Chorus Contest Information Form
Note there has been a change in the Song Registration Form deadline from 2 weeks prior to contest to 30 days prior to contest. Best to get it in early.
International Convention & Contests |

The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox March 20. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is March 13.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2025 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.