A Cappella Showcase | Area5 | Milton | Ontario | acappellashowcase.org |
Atlanta Harmony Celebration! | Area6 | Atlanta | Georgia | www.AtlantaHarmonyCelebration.org |
Barre-Tones | Area2 | Barre | Vermont | www.barretonesvt.com |
Baytones Harmony Chorus | Area5 | North Bay | Ontario | |
Bella Nova | Area3 | Herndon | Virginia | bellanovachorus.com |
Bluegrass Harmony | Area4 | Louisville | Kentucky | www.bluegrassharmony.com |
Breton Songbirds | Area1 | Sydney | Nova Scotia | www.facebook.com/bretonsongbirds |
California Note Catchers | Area4 | San Diego County | California | www.californianotecatchers.com |
Capital Chordettes | Area5 | Ottawa | Ontario | www.capitalchordettes.ca |
Chord Spinners | Area5 | St. Jacobs | Ontario | chordspinners.harmonysite.com/ |
Classic Blend Chorus | Area5 | Hamilton, ON | Ontario | classicblend.ca |
Coastal Voices | Area6 | Fort Myers | Florida | www.CoastalVoicesChorus.com |
Cobequid Fun-Tones | Area1 | Oxford | Nova Scotia | |
Covered Bridge Harmony | Area4 | Greencastle | Indiana | coveredbridge.harmonysite.com/ |
Crystal Chords | Area3 | Corning/Elmira | New York | www.crystalchords.com/ |
Elm City Echoes | Area1 | Fredericton | New Brunswick | elmcityechoes.org |
Harmony Falls Chorus | Area3 | Trumansburg | New York | harmonyfallschorus.com |
Harmony Heritage | Area2 | Southern New England | Rhode Island | www.harmonyheritage.org |
Harmony in Motion | Area3 | New Jersey | New Jersey | www.harmonyinmotion.net |
Harmony Magic | Area4 | Central Indiana | Indiana | www.harmonymagic.org |
Harmony Sound Waves | Area6 | New Smyrna Beach | Florida | www.HarmonySoundWaves.com |
Heart of Pennsylvania | Area3 | Lewisburg | Pennsylvania | heartofpa.org |
Island A Cappella | Area1 | Charlottetown | Prince Edward Island | islandacappella.ca |
Lake Ridge Legacy | Area4 | Lorain | Ohio | www.lakeridgelegacychorus.com |
Liberty Belles | Area3 | Lansdale, PA | Pennsylvania | www.thelibertybelleschorus.com/ |
Maine-ly Harmony | Area2 | Gardiner | Maine | www.maine-lyharmony.org/ |
Misty River Music Makers, The | Area4 | Geneva | Illinois | www.mistyrivermusicmakers.org |
Mollyockett Chorus | Area2 | Norway | Maine | |
Montreal City Voices | Area2 | Montreal | Quebec | www.montrealcityvoices.com |
Music City Sound | Area6 | Nashville | Tennessee | www.serendipitychorus.com |
New England Voices in Harmony | Area2 | Nashua | New Hampshire | www.newenglandvoicesinharmony.org |
Newfound Sound | Area1 | St John's | Newfoundland & Labrador | www.newfoundsound.org |
Niagara Frontier Chord Authority | Area3 | Amherst | New York | www.nfcaharmony.org/ |
Nickel City Sound | Area5 | Sudbury | Ontario | nickelcitysound.ca |
Northern Blend | Area3 | Watertown | New York | northernblendchorus.homestead.com/ |
NoteAble Blend | Area2 | Lakeville | Massachusetts | www.noteableblend.org/ |
On Q Chorus | EA | Albuquerque | New Mexico | www.onqchorus.org |
Panama City A Cappella Chorus | Area6 | Panama City | Florida | www.PCAcappella.com |
Prospective Tri State A Cappella | HI | Evansville | Indiana | tristateacappellabarbershopchorus.wordpress.com/ |
Reading A Cappella Voices | Area3 | Reading | Pennsylvania | www.readingacappellavoices.org/ |
Rhythm of New Hampshire Show Chorus | Area2 | Southern, NH and Northern MA | New Hampshire | www.rnhchorus.org |
Rochester Rhapsody Chorus | Area3 | Webster | New York | www.rochesterrhapsody.com |
Scarborough Harmony Chorus | Area5 | Scarborough, ON | Ontario | www.scarboroughharmonychorus.com/ |
ScotianAires | Area1 | Dartmouth | Nova Scotia | www.scotianaires.ca |
Sea Belles | Area1 | Saint John | New Brunswick | www.seabelles.ca |
Seaside A Cappella | Area1 | Bridgewater | Nova Scotia | www.seasideacappella.com |
Shades of Harmony | Area5 | London | Ontario | shadesofharmony.com |
Silk'n Sounds | Area2 | Greater New Haven | Connecticut | www.silknsounds.org |
Sing Niagara | Area5 | Niagara | Ontario | www.singniagara.com |
Sisters of Sound | Area6 | Clermont | Florida | www.SistersOfSound.org |
Skyway Connection Chorus | Area5 | Hamilton | Ontario | www.skywayconnectionchorus.ca/ |
Sound Celebration | Area4 | Plymouth | Wisconsin | www.sound-celebration.com |
Sounds of the Seacoast | Area2 | Portsmouth | New Hampshire | www.soundsoftheseacoast.com |
Spirit of Michigan Chorus | Area4 | Lansing | Michigan | spiritofmichiganchorus.com |
St. Louis Chordinals | Area4 | St. Louis | Missouri | www.stlouischordinals.org |
St. Louis Vocal Project | Area4 | St. Louis Area | Missouri | www.stlvocalproject.com |
Sugartones | Area5 | Alliston | Ontario | sugartones.ca |
Sunshine Harmony Chorus | Area6 | Central Florida | Florida | |
Surround Sound | Area2 | Gardner | Massachusetts | www.surroundsoundchorus.com |
The Over Tones | Area5 | Guelph | Ontario | www.overtonesinc.com/ |
The Thousand Islanders | Area5 | Brockville, ON | Ontario | thousandislanders.com |
Toronto Accolades | Area5 | Toronto, ON | Ontario | torontoaccolades.com |
Unaccompanied Minors | Area6 | Clermont | Florida | www.UnaccompaniedMinors.org |
Valley Voices | Area1 | Kentville | Nova Scotia | www.valleyvoices.org |
Village Vocal Chords | Area4 | Glen Ellyn | Illinois | www.villagevocalchords.org |
Vocal Moxie | EA | | Arizona | |
White Sands A Cappella | Area6 | Pensacola, FL | Florida | www.whitesandsacappella.com/ |
Wolf River Harmony | Area4 | Shawano | Wisconsin | wolfriverharmony.blogspot.com |
Women in Harmony | EA | Brandon | Manitoba | |
Women of Note | Area2 | Hudson | Massachusetts | www.womenofnote.org |