Welcome to the Wonderful World of Quartetting!

Singing in a quartet can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in your musical journey. Quartet singers of all experience levels will find tons of helpful information on this page, including a step-by-step guide to establishing your new quartet, links to contest entry forms, song selection, registration renewal, and FAQs. Additional information about quartets can be found in Section 9 of the Corporate Manual located on the members-only page.

Getting Started 

Are you just beginning your quartet adventure? Get started with these conversation points for building a new quartet. This document includes question prompts for all the important conversations a newly formed group might want to have. Topics include:
  • interpersonal relationships & learning styles
  • goal setting
  • song selection
  • rehearsals and coaching
  • finances
  • hypothetical scenarios (what happens if...?)
Visit https://www.harmonyinc.org/new-quartet-convos to view or download this conversation guide.

Establishing a Harmony, Inc. Quartet

STEP 1: All quartet members must be members in good standing of Harmony, Inc.
  • If you don't belong to a Harmony, Inc. chapter, you may join as an Associate member by completing the Associate Membership Application found HERE.

  • If you were previously a member of Harmony, Inc. and are returning, WELCOME BACK! Please contact our Corporate Office (CorporateOffice@harmonyinc.org) to receive the appropriate Associate Membership Application.

  • If you belong to a Harmony, Inc. chapter, your chapter secretary will submit your membership paperwork for you.

  • Please keep your membership current by renewing your membership by April 1 each year.

STEP 2: Select a name for your quartet.

  • To respect our champion and medalist quartets (and choruses), any names used by these groups in the past cannot be used again. Also, any name that is similar enough to cause confusion may not be used.

  • Names of current quartets and choruses or quartets that were registered in the last two years may not be used.

  • You can do some of your own research by looking at the Quartet Directory located on our website. You can also search the Historical Data of International Championship Quartets and Quartet Medalists in Section 14 of the Corporate Manual located in the members-only section of our website.

  • Once you've done your initial research and have selected a name, contact our Quartet Development Coordinator (quartets@harmonyinc.org). They will complete the research and determine if the name you've selected can be used.

STEP 3: Register your quartet with Harmony, Inc.

  • Complete the Quartet Registration Form, HAR-028 by February 1. The cost to register your quartet is $20 annually.

  • Quartets must be registered before submitting their Area Quartet Contest Entry Form.

Entering your area quartet contest:

  • To submit your Area Quartet Contest Entry Form, HAR-061, click HERE.

  • The quartet contest entry fee is $40. Add an additional $20 for late entries.

  • The deadline to submit your quartet contest entry form varies by Area. The contest entry deadline is approximately 60 days before the contest, and the late entry deadline is approximately 30 days before the contest. Members are notified of the deadlines in the HI Note newsletter and are also posted on our website under Events, Area Contests (AC&C).

Entering the international quartet contest:

  • Quartets reaching the qualifying score will be invited to participate in the International Quartet Contest.

  • The International Quartet Contest Entry Form, HAR-059, can be found on the members-only page under Forms.

  • The deadline to submit your entry will be provided to you at the time you qualify for the International Quartet Contest.

  • The quartet contest entry fee is $40. Add an additional $20 for late entries.

Submitting your song selections for contest:

  • You must submit your song selections at least two weeks prior to the contest date.

  • Please complete HAR-082, Contestant Song Registration Form, found HERE.

  • You’ll need to provide the title, publisher/copyright holder, and arranger for all songs you sing in the contest.

  • You must comply with all copyright laws in the acquisition and learning of all contest songs/arrangements.

Renewing your quartet registration

  • Don’t forget to renew your quartet registration annually by February 1.

  • The cost to renew is $20.

  • Quartet Registration/Renewal Form, HAR-028, can be found HERE or on the members-only page under Forms.

Quartet FAQ

Q: I have a 2019 (or earlier) Quartet Registration Form on hand. Is it OK to use it to register?
A: Please use the new online Quartet Registration/Renewal Form, HAR-028, found HERE or on the members-only page under Forms. It is very easy to use and asks only what is necessary to register your quartet.


Q: My quartet includes a member who is not yet a Harmony, Inc. member. Can I go ahead and register the quartet while she processes the paperwork?"
A: All members of your quartet must be Harmony, Inc. members before you can register your quartet. If you are trying to meet a deadline, communicate with the Quartet Development Coordinator (quartets@harmonyinc.org) and the Corporate Office (CorporateOffice@harmonyinc.org)


Q: Can I enter my quartet in the Area Quartet Contest first in order to meet the deadline, and then process our Quartet Registration?"
A: Your quartet must be a registered quartet with Harmony, Inc. in order to enter the quartet contest.


Q: When is the deadline to enter my quartet in the Area Contest?
A: The Area Quartet Contest entry deadlines can be found on the Harmony, Inc. website under Events, Area Contests (AC&C).


Q: What if my registered quartet replaces a member and/or changes voice parts?
A: Email the Quartet Development Coordinator (quartets@harmonyinc.org) with the relevant information: Member being replaced, name of the new member, Area, chapter or Associate member, and voice part of the new member.

Q: My quartet is not available on the weekend of our Area Contest. Can we compete in another Area?
A: You will need to request permission to compete Out-of-Area. Contact the International Contest & Judging Chairman (ICJC) at judging@harmonyinc.org by the March 1 deadline.

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