Harmony Headlines – March 7, 2025
Coming Soon New Resources and Tools! ![]() Member Experience Tool Kit and Library (METAL) – Our Member Experience Working Group is hard at work developing resources and our tool kit designed to help improve the member experience! They will share these resources in the coming months. These resources cover both mindset and mechanics. The Members Experience Working Group will also share mechanics – practical tools, strategies, and systems that will help leaders and members engage more effectively. Each chapter and area is different, so none of these are on-size-fits-all solutions. Stay tuned for updates! ![]() Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community! July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona promises to be a blast. Want more details? Contact harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org for more details or check out our webpage Harmony Fest West. Be sure to check back often as we update the details! ![]() The mid-2025 2025 IBOD meeting is scheduled for April 18th. You can submit agenda items using HAR-009 Agenda items are due by March 18th. ![]() Be sure to check out this week’s HI-Note for our Ask Liz column by Elizabeth Meeker, Membership Coordinator! Our Ask Liz column is a recurring feature where Liz addresses questions from new members. The Q&As are great for both new members and those who were once newbies too! ![]() HI-Story Bonus HI-Story Content to celebrate a successful Harmony Awareness Week! Harmony, Inc.'s first certified Judges! Lauren Linderman, Certified Sound Judge Barbara-Ann MacIntosh, Certified Stage Presence Judge, and Nancy Foris, Certified Interpretation Judge. ![]() #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
HI-Story, in 1960 the words “The duration of this Corporation shall be perpetual” were added to our Corporate By-Laws. As we wrap up Harmony Awareness Week let us celebrate our mission of Empowering All Women through Singing, Education, and Friendship.
Share our vision to be a leader in the international a cappella community by inviting a friend to your next rehearsal or chapter show.
Let’s build a future together of Harmony. Stronger.
![]() ![]() ![]() #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
![]() You can be a part of HI-Story too! Whether as part of your chapter or volunteering at an Area or International Contest. Already a volunteer? Share your HI-Story! ![]() #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
Harmony Headlines – February 28, 2025
Harmony Awareness Week 2025 – Your HI-Story! ![]() As we celebrate our 66th Anniversary we are unwavering in our commitment to a culture where everyone – regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, age, background, or beliefs-feels seen, heard, and respected. Our Inclusion Statement reenforces our belief that inclusion is a fundamental right, not a privilege. ![]() Celebrate Harmony with our members’ HI-Story(ies) featured on Harmony Chat! this week Deb Bartol – New England Voices in Harmony
When I was first approached about singing with New England Voices in Harmony, it was by Jeanne Crowell, who it turns out, went to high school with my husband in Wisconsin. I misunderstood what kind of music it was and thought (because they rehearsed in a church at the time) that it was a church choir. I was then approached by Rosemarie Dykeman who told me about the free voice lessons the chorus was offering. She was persistent and even offered to pick me up. She also told me that they went out to a restaurant after rehearsal, and I could join if I felt like it or she would take me home. So, I went, attended the afterglow and have never looked back. I only wish I had asked Jeanne more questions and joined earlier. This group of "sisters" has been one of the greatest gifts of my life, and I'm so grateful for them and for HI.
![]() Melissa Hartman – Bella Nova Chorus
My introduction to Harmony, Inc. was literally “Epic”! In December of 2013, I attended a holiday party given by a colleague and friend of mine, Judy Rector. She had invited Epic (the quartet her daughter Kris was in) to perform for us. We were all floored by how amazing their performance was! Epic stayed and talked to us about their experiences with Harmony and how they were starting a new chorus (Bella Nova). We had such a blast singing tags and hanging out. I even got to try on a crown! I was sold! I attended the first rehearsal and never looked back! Bella Nova has brought so much joy to my life, and I am so grateful to Epic for starting the chorus and to Richard and Christina Lewellen for sticking with us through thick and thin!
![]() Allyn Lloyd – Bella Nova Chorus
I have been singing with my daughters since they were teenagers, in gospel ensembles and rock and roll bands. After Shana won the HI crown singing bass with her quartet, Epic, and they decided to form a new chorus chapter, her first thought was to recruit her sister and me to join. She and Niambi have since moved on with their own quartet, HALO, but they left me with a new music family of wild and crazy ladies called Bella Nova!
![]() Sandi Wright – St Louis Vocal Project
I joined my mother’s Sweet Adelines chorus 55 years ago, and in 1982 I became the director of that award-winning chorus. The freedom to sing innovative music and creating a theatrical approach to performing drew me to Harmony Incorporated.
Great Day, had won a regional championship in Sweet Adelines in 1999. Our tenor, Wendy Ahlgrim Bellandi won with First Class, and since IC&C was only a four-hour drive from St. Louis in 1999, we decided to go – just to sing around and support Wendy in the AHQ. All of us were members by the end of the weekend! At Theresa Weatherbee’s urging, I became a (then) Presentation Judge, and seven years ago several members of my former Sweet Adelines Chorus (including members of Great Day) expressed interest in starting a Harmony Inc. Chorus - and that’s how St. Louis Vocal Project was born. Most of our members had never sung in the barbershop style, but they were solid harmony singers, and I was thrilled that those singers brought their friends. We are now 40 members, and that is so exciting. I have many favorite memories - Blaze achieved two silver medals at IC&C, then Great Day (the original four) placed third at IC&C. But when the St. Louis Vocal Project placed fourth at their very first IC&C, it was a dream come true. Every contest has seen a rise in points, and the valuable feedback given by judges has made us stronger and more musical.
My favorite contest set is not one of ours. It was the year New England Voices in Harmony brought me to tears in 2014 with their Something About a Soldier and Smile. I remember thinking THAT’s the kind of chorus I want to have some day! And – after 26 years as a Harmony Incorporated member -I am blessed to say, we are getting there!
Nancy Taylor – Bella Nova Chorus
Newly retired from a music teaching job, sitting at my dining room table working on a new project, one of my adult sons, forever to go down affectionately in Bella Nova history as Steven Taylor, approached me with "I want you to join a Barbershop chorus." My immediate response: "What, are you kidding me?? No way -- stop being ridiculous. Go away and let me be, I'm very busy." I am a classical musician, and the only time I'd ever heard Barbershop was when I was young, and my parents took me to see the movie The Music Man.
But Steven persisted, which he wasn't normally known to do with me. He explained a client of his, Alessandra, needed for new members to join her Barbershop group called Bella Nova. I eventually gave in to his constant urging to at least attend a rehearsal. I went. I met the Lewellens. Enough said. That was in December of 2017. What joy was in store for me! To sing Barbershop is a musical dream come true. ![]() Debbie Parmeter – Bella Nova Chorus
I learned about Harmony, Inc. through my daughter, Christina Lewellen. Christina asked me to make some type of favors to pass out at an informational meeting for forming the new chapter. As an avid crafter, of course I said yes. I had absolutely no intention of joining Bella Nova. At the time I lived in upstate New York 6 hours away! But join, Bella I did. I learned the music by watching the rehearsals and listening to the learning tracks. I made the 6-hour trip to rehearsal as often as I could. Now I live 1.5 hours away so getting to rehearsal is much easier! The best part is doing this with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids. And the rest of the chapter have become like family. I love the culture of Harmony and can’t imagine being without Harmony and Bella Nova in my life.
![]() #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
HI-Story, our founders’ believed education was a critical component to a successful organization. Harmony supports education at our Area and International Contests. During the global pandemic Harmony Inc. Virtual Education (The HIVE) led the way to keep us connected and learning even when we couldn’t be together!
What’s your favorite educational event? Share your HI-Story!
#Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship ![]() |
The Articles of Association were signed on this day in Providence, RI. Today we remember our founding and celebrate in song! Join in the celebrations by sharing your HI-Story! https://www.facebook.com/1127517595/videos/1618998558976605/ #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
![]() HI-Story, our motto “A Blend with Friendship” introduced in 1959 by President Peggy Rigby, whose husband Murray, suggested our motto. We invite you to share photos on social media platforms of your Harmony friendships and share your unique HI-Story! ![]() #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory #ABlendwithFriendship |
![]() HI-Story, our founders believed communication with our membership was important and in 1959, the first edition of the Key-Note published. We continue this tradition today. Additionally, we have our bi-weekly electronic publication of the HI Note to ensure our members regularly hear from our leadership and our members learn about what is happening in Harmony, Inc. What’s your favorite HI Note story? #Harmony66 #HarmonyAwarenessWeek #HIStory, #ABlendwithFriendship ![]() |
HI-Story, Our founders Peggy Rigby, Joanne Willett and Joan Stockwell Chapman lead the approximately 150 women to pursue a new organization based democratic principles shall govern our organization and open to all women, regardless of race, creed or color.
When did you join Harmony? Share your HI-Story on your favorite Social Media Platform!
Harmony Headlines – February 21, 2025
Harmony’s Heading West!
![]() Harmony, Inc. is headed for the wild, wild west!Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community, and an opportunity to compete to qualify for Harmony’s International Convention and Contests!July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona, promises to be a blast as we continue to grow our westward expansion. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today! ![]() On the horizon – Harmony Awareness Week, February 23rd through March 1st ![]() AC&C DATES AND DEADLINES
The Contest Information Forms for AC&C are now available. HAR-061 Official Area Quartet Contest Information Form HAR-063 Official Area Chorus Contest Information Form Note there has been a change in the Song Registration Form deadline from 2 weeks prior to contest to 30 days prior to contest. Best to get it in early. |
Harmony Headlines – February 14, 2025 Happy Galentine’s Day Harmony! ![]() Harmony Hoopla Recap! The weekend of January 24th, over 100 Area 6 members (plus some surprise guests!) flocked to Central Florida for a Harmony Hoopla—a whirlwind of singing, learning, and friendship, all with a Florida twist! Even with a bit of a chill in the air, our all-star panel of Canadian coaches—Jordan Travis, Amy Patterson, and Adele Merritt—ditched their snow boots for flip-flops and led an action-packed weekend filled with dynamic classes, “coaching under glass” sessions, and an epic VLQ contest. But the true showstopper? The Color Wars Competition! Singers were randomly sorted into the Red, Blue, and Green teams, each coached by one of our incredible mentors, to put their own hilarious and heartfelt spin on “In the Good Old Summertime.” And let’s just say… boisterous doesn’t even begin to cover the energy that hit the stage! A massive THANK YOU to Jordan, Amy, and Adèle, as well as Marcia O’Neil for organizing Hoopla, and everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event an unforgettable celebration of harmony, music, and the incredible bonds we share. Until next time, we will be keeping the hoopla alive in Area 6! ![]() It’s Officially Official! Harmony Fest West is happening! Mark your calendars for July 10 – 13 in Tempe, Arizona at the beautiful Omni Hotel at Arizona State University (ASU). We’re excited to have this wonderful opportunity to support our western choruses as well as prospective choruses and Harmony members in the area. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today! ![]() Qualifying Scores for International – Update The chorus qualifying score for the International Contest has increased to 828 (average of 69, a one-point increase), and the minimum qualifying score for invitation of chorus alternates has increased to 804 (average of 67, a one-point increase). The qualifying and invitation scores for quartets remain where they were last year, at 828 (average of 69) and 804 (average 67), respectively. The qualifying score for youth quartets remains as it was last year, at 780 (average of 65). ![]() New and Exciting Volunteer Opportunities! Is your New Year Resolution to seek out new ways to support Harmony, Inc? Lend your time and talent to collaborate with and support our membership through the following opportunities:
Ready to apply? Here’s the link to our application: HAR-001 ![]() On the horizon – Harmony Awareness Week, February 23rd through March 1st |
Harmony Headlines – February 7, 2025
![]() It’s Officially Official! Harmony Fest West is happening! Mark your calendars for July 10 – 13 in Tempe, Arizona at the beautiful Omni Hotel at Arizona State University (ASU). We’re excited to have this wonderful opportunity to support our western choruses as well as prospective chores and Harmony members in the area. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today! ![]() Category Training School 2025 – Results are in! Let’s celebrate our Harmony, Inc. members who were successful at Category Training School 2025: Newly certified judge Jessi Nasto (SNG) and Diane Patterson who recertified in the Administrative Judge Category. Applicants Elizabeth Houghton (ADM), Paige Sgrignoli (PER), Jennger Weigl (PER) advanced to candidate status. Congratulations all! ![]() The chorus qualifying score for the International contest has increased to 828 (average of 69, a one-point increase), and the minimum qualifying score for invitation of chorus alternates has increased to 804 (average of 67, a one-point increase). The qualifying and invitation scores for quartets remain where they were last year, at 828 (average of 69) and 804 (average 67), respectively. The qualifying score for youth quartets remains as it was last year, at 780 (average of 65). ![]() Is your New Year Resolution to seek out new ways to support Harmony, Inc? Lend your time and talent to collaborate with and support our membership through the following opportunities:
Ready to apply? Here’s the link to our application: HAR-001 ![]() The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”. Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator. ![]() |
Harmony Headlines – January 31, 2025
Harmony, Inc Educational Opportunities Abound
![]() Area 3 Education Day is Saturday, February 15th! Here is the Registration link to register as an Associate, a quartet, or a chorus: Area 3 Education Day Registration Below is information for the hotel reservations Please use the online link below or call the hotel directly and tell them you are with “Area 3 Education Day.” Hotel: Fairfield Inn & Suites Elmira Corning - 1600 County Rt 64, Horseheads NY 14845 Phone: 607-739-9200 Reservation link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1736957768037&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true&app=resvlink Please make your reservations by Friday, January 31, 2025 to get the group rate. ![]() It’s Officially Official! Harmony Fest West is happening! Mark your calendars for July 10 – 13 in Tempe, Arizona at the beautiful Omni Hotel at Arizona State University (ASU). We’re excited to have this wonderful opportunity to support our western choruses as well as prospective chores and Harmony members in the area. ![]() Is your New Year Resolution to seek out new ways to support Harmony, Inc? Lend your time and talent to collaborate with and support our membership through the following opportunities:
Ready to apply? Here’s the link to our application: HAR-001 ![]()
Honorary Award Nominations!
Harmony Distinction Award – Due January 31st! Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 International Convention and Contest year. Any Harmony, Inc. Chapter and Associate Member in good standing can nominate an individual who is suitable to serve as a Harmony, Inc. ambassador as the Harmony Distinction Awardee. To meet the criteria for this honor, the Honoree:
Sue Trenchard Award – Nominations due by June 30 The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”. Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator. ![]() On the horizon – Harmony Awareness Week, February 23rd through March 1st |
Harmony Headlines – January 24, 2025
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Harmony, Inc Coast to Coast (almost)!
![]() Sending our very best wishes to Area 6 as they kick off this weekend’s Harmony Hoopla event in Florida! ![]() It’s Officially Official! Harmony Fest West is happening! Mark your calendars for July 10 – 13 in Tempe, Arizona at the beautiful Omni Hotel at Arizona State University (ASU). We’re excited to have this wonderful opportunity to support our western choruses as well as prospective chores and Harmony members in the area. Stay tuned for more details. ![]() Is your New Year Resolution to seek out new ways to support Harmony, Inc? Lend your time and talent to collaborate with and support our membership through the following opportunities:
Ready to apply? Here’s the link to our application: HAR-001 ![]() Order magnets, pins and even replacement medal using Harmony Form HAR-089 ![]() Harmony Distinction Award – Nominations due January 31st! Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 International Convention and Contest year. Any Harmony, Inc. Chapter and Associate Member in good standing can nominate an individual who is suitable to serve as a Harmony, Inc. ambassador as the Harmony Distinction Awardee. To meet the criteria for this honor, the Honoree:
Sue Trenchard Award – Nominations due by June 30 The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”. Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator. |
Harmony Headlines – January 17, 2025
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Kicking off the New Year with Harmony, Inc!
![]() Reminder – Response due Soon! Report Performance Activity! With so many choruses and quartets performing during this holiday season here’s a gentle reminder to submit your performance activities! First: You must submit form HAR-122 report by January 20, 2025 to the Corporate Office As we kick off the holiday season, my of our Chapters have community performances. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets or performed for free, you can fulfill your requirement by submitting form HAR-122, unless you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. Canadian Chapters/Area report to SOCAN. ![]() New Webpage – Harmony.Stronger Explore our new interactive Membership and Financial Dashboard! The International Board of Directors (IBOD) is committed to using accurate, relevant data to make strategic decisions for the organization. This dashboard is a visualization tool used to observe trends and intersections in things like membership numbers, geographical distribution of members, and ensemble participation. Our IBOD uses this information to prioritize programming, streamline policies, and better support our members, Chapters, and Areas. Take a few minutes to explore the content at https://www.harmonyinc.org/harmony-stronger-2023. ![]() Is your New Year Resolution to seek out new ways to support Harmony, Inc? Lend your time and talent to collaborate with and support our membership through the following opportunities:
![]() Here’s a quick recap of the 2025 dues for New Members
Harmony Headlines – January 10, 2025
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights ![]()
Happy New Year Harmony, Inc!
New Volunteer Opportunities!
Harmony, Inc is seeking a Facilitator Program Coordinator! We’ve identified the need for a Facilitator Program Coordinator. The Facilitator Program Coordinator will be responsible for recruiting and managing a team of facilitators. The individual works to recruit HI members with previous facilitation skills and experience and/or individuals who are interested in developing these skills. Our Strategic Advisor will support the coordinator as they recruit and match facilitators with program needs. The plan is to start slowly and incrementally building the program, meeting priority needs as they arise. For more information about this exciting opportunity contact Linda McMaster, Strategic Advisor.
Harmony, Inc. is seeking a Marketing Team Manager. This volunteer position reports to the Executive Director and oversees the operations of the Marketing & Communications Team. The ideal candidate has experience in project management and is capable of creating and executing marketing plans from start to finish. This individual will work closely with the Marketing & Communications Team, coordinating efforts among team members to create and present compelling, informative campaigns highlighting Harmony and its members and programs. The role will likely require an average of 5-10 hours of work per week. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Executive Director Kelly Peterson. ![]()
New Webpage – Harmony.Stronger
Explore our new interactive Membership and Financial Dashboard! The International Board of Directors (IBOD) is committed to using accurate, relevant data to make strategic decisions for the organization. This dashboard is a visualization tool used to observe trends and intersections in things like membership numbers, geographical distribution of members, and ensemble participation. Our IBOD uses this information to prioritize programming, streamline policies, and better support our members, Chapters, and Areas.
Take a few minutes to explore the content at https://www.harmonyinc.org/harmony-stronger-2023.
![]() New Year, New Member Dues for 2025
Here’s a quick recap of the 2025 dues for New Members
Reminder – Report Performance Activity!
With so many choruses and quartets performing during this holiday season here’s a gentle reminder to submit your performance activities!
First: You must submit form HAR-122 report by January 20, 2025 to the Corporate Office. As we kick off the holiday season, my of our Chapters have community performances. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets or performed for free, you can fulfill your requirement by submitting form HAR-122, unless you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. Canadian Chapters/Area report to SOCAN.
Harmony Headlines – December 20, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]()
Convention Corner – Thank You Volunteers!
Thank you to the over 77 dedicated volunteers who collectively contributed over 500 hours of service during IC&C! A special shout-out to Patricia Cassidy, Linda Muise, Nancy Arkin, Marlene Snook, and Gidget Kaert who dedicated over 19 hours each!
Be sure to check out Video and Photo Links for IC&C!
Check out Contest Videos on our Harmony, Inc YouTube Channel here! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell to be notified when new videos go up!
Check out the links below for ICC Photos
2024 Candid Photos 2024 Posed Photos ![]() Two 1(New Volunteer Positions!
1) Harmony, Inc is seeking a Facilitator Program Coordinator! We’ve identified the need for a Facilitator Program Coordinator. The Facilitator Program Coordinator will be responsible for recruiting and managing a team of facilitators. The individual works to recruit HI members with previous facilitation skills and experience and/or individuals who are interested in developing these skills. Our Strategic Advisor will support the coordinator as they recruit and match facilitators with program needs. The plan is to start slowly and incrementally building the program, meeting priority needs as they arise. For more information about this exciting opportunity contact Linda McMaster, Strategic Advisor.
2) Harmony, Inc. is seeking a Marketing Team Manager. This volunteer position reports to the Executive Director and oversees the operations of the Marketing & Communications Team. The ideal candidate has experience in project management and is capable of creating and executing marketing plans from start to finish. This individual will work closely with the Marketing & Communications Team, coordinating efforts among team members to create and present compelling, informative campaigns highlighting Harmony and its members and programs. The role will likely require an average of 5-10 hours of work per week. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Executive Director Kelly Peterson. ![]() World Singing Day – HI Choruses Highlights!
We are happy to share performance clips with you: World Singing Day with Harmony Heritage and Silk'n Sounds - We Are The World.
Not only did our HI choruses represent our organization beautifully on WSD, but we are also delighted to see Harmony Heritage and Montreal City Voices included in the 2024 Official WSD Video posted to social media! Click here to view on YouTube.
Read more about WSD in the December 20th HI Note. We have in depth interviews with Gail Chartier (Montreal City Voices), Kate Stoddard (Silk’n Sounds) and Shelly Pray (Harmony Heritgage).
![]() Reminder – Report Performance Activity!
With so many choruses and quartets performing during this holiday season here’s a gentle reminder to submit your performance activities!
First: You must submit form HAR-122 report by January 20, 2025 to the Corporate Office
As we kick off the holiday season, my of our Chapters have community performances. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets or performed for free, you can fulfill your requirement by submitting form HAR-122, unless you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. Canadian Chapters/Area report to SOCAN.
Honorary Award Nominations!
Harmony Distinction Award Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 International Convention and Contest year. Any Harmony, Inc. Chapter and Associate Member in good standing can nominate an individual who is suitable to serve as a Harmony, Inc. ambassador as the Harmony Distinction Awardee. To meet the criteria for this honor, the Honoree:
For more information, visit the Member’s Only section of the website (under Corporate Manual, Section 14.5), then fill out the nomination form HAR-058.
Sue Trenchard Award
The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”.
Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator.
The deadline for nominations to be considered for the 2025 award year is January 31, 2025!
Wishing Happy Holidays to our Harmony, Inc. Community! |
Harmony Headlines – December 13, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]() Convention Corner – Video and Photo Links for IC&C! Check out Contest Videos on our Harmony, Inc YouTube Channel here! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell to be notified when new videos go up! Check out the links below for ICC Photos 2024 Candid Photos 2024 Posed Photos #GivingTuesday – Together We Give. Together We Grow. Thank you to all those who donated as part of our #GivingTuesday campaign. Your donations support Growing Harmony programs that benefit our Harmony, Inc community. We appreciate your generosity! ![]() Harmony, Inc is seeking a Facilitator Program Coordinator! We’ve identified the need for a Facilitator Program Coordinator. The Facilitator Program Coordinator will be responsible for recruiting and managing a team of facilitators. The individual works to recruit HI members with previous facilitation skills and experience and/or individuals who are interested in developing these skills. Our Strategic Advisor will support the coordinator as they recruit and match facilitators with program needs. The plan is to start slowly and incrementally building the program, meeting priority needs as they arise. For more information about this exciting opportunity contact Linda McMaster, Strategic Advisor. ![]() Reminder – Report Performance Activity! With so many choruses and quartets performing during this holiday season here’s a gentle reminder to submit your performance activities! First: You must submit form HAR-122 report by January 20, 2025 to the Corporate Office As we kick off the holiday season, my of our Chapters have community performances. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets or performed for free, you can fulfill your requirement by submitting form HAR-122, unless you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. Canadian Chapters/Area report to SOCAN. ![]()
Honorary Award Nominations!
Harmony Distinction Award
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 International Convention and Contest year. Any Harmony, Inc. Chapter and Associate Member in good standing can nominate an individual who is suitable to serve as a Harmony, Inc. ambassador as the Harmony Distinction Awardee.
To meet the criteria for this honor, the Honoree:
For more information, visit the Member’s Only section of the website (under Corporate Manual, Section 14.5), then fill out the nomination form HAR-058.
Sue Trenchard Award The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”. Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator.
The deadline for nominations to be considered for the 2025 award year is January 31, 2025!
Harmony Headlines – December 6, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]()
Convention Corner – Highlights from IC&C!
Congratulations to our 2024 Harmony Queens Roulette, International Gold Medal Chorus Northern Blend and our first ever International MBHA Quartet Arranged Marriage! What a thrill to see and hear these amazing performances in Louisville! Honorary Award Winners! Harmony Distinction Award: Steve Tramack, in recognition of his long time, active support of Harmony, Inc., not only through connection through his wife and daughters, but also his generosity and involvement in Harmony working with quartet and choruses in all areas, service as a Music Judge, a Coach, An Arranger, and a caring and passionate Barbershopper who symbolizes the very culture that Harmony, Incorporated stands for. Youth Member of the Year: Sam O’Neill, a member of A Cappella Showcase, in recognition of her countless volunteer hours in support of Harmony, Inc. Sandy White Membership Award: presented to Karen Atkinson, President of The Over Tones, Inc. for their 50% growth as of October 15, 2024, with 26 members. Past President’s Plaque: Linda Muise, Assistant International Contest & Judging Chair and Administrative Judge Category Specialist. Linda was instrumental in the successful transition of our contest judging program over the past year. Check out Contest Videos on our Harmony, Inc YouTube Channel here! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell to be notified when new videos go up! Check out the links below for ICC Photos 2024 Candid Photos 2024 Posed Photos ![]() #GivingTuesday – Together We Give. Together We Grow. Thank you to all those who donated as part of our #GivingTuesday campaign. Your donations support Growing Harmony programs that benefit our Harmony, Inc community. We appreciate your generosity! ![]() International Volunteer Day – December 5, 2024 On Thursday, December 5, Harmony, Inc. joined the world-wide celebration for volunteers. If you are a volunteer at the chapter, Area, or corporate level, we want to THANK YOU for all you do to make Harmony a stronger organization! If you’re not a volunteer, please consider sharing your talents and expertise with us. Volunteering is a great way to give back to Harmony! For more information about volunteering for Harmony, Inc., contact Debbie Glenn, Volunteer Resource Coordinator New Volunteer Position! Harmony, Inc is seeking a Facilitator Program Coordinator! We’ve identified the need for a Facilitator Program Coordinator. The Facilitator Program Coordinator will be responsible for recruiting and managing a team of facilitators. The individual works to recruit HI members with previous facilitation skills and experience and/or individuals who are interested in developing these skills. Our Strategic Advisor will support the coordinator as they recruit and match facilitators with program needs. The plan is to start slowly and incrementally building the program, meeting priority needs as they arise. For more information about this exciting opportunity contact Linda McMaster, Strategic Advisor. ![]() Reminder – Report Performance Activity! First: You must submit form HAR-122 report by January 20, 2025 to the Corporate Office As we kick off the holiday season, my of our Chapters have community performances. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets or performed for free, you can fulfill your requirement by submitting form HAR-122, unless you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. Canadian Chapters/Area report to SOCAN. ![]()
Honorary Award Nominations!
Harmony Distinction Award Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 International Convention and Contest year. Any Harmony, Inc. Chapter and Associate Member in good standing can nominate an individual who is suitable to serve as a Harmony, Inc. ambassador as the Harmony Distinction Awardee. To meet the criteria for this honor, the Honoree:
The deadline for nominations to be considered for the 2025 award year is January 31, 2025! Sue Trenchard Award The Sue Trenchard Award is given each year to a registered Harmony quartet that demonstrates service to Harmony, Inc., the chapter, and the community in remembrance of Sue who was a remarkably compassionate and giving person. This award is for the unselfish giving of time and energies of the quartet members and their quartet as a group who are, through actions rather than words, living Harmony's “Blend with Friendship”. Please think about all the deserving quartets out there that give their time and dedication to Harmony, Inc. and their communities and consider submitting your nomination for this award. To nominate please submit FORM HAR-136 no later than June 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Quartet Development Coordinator. |
IT’S GIVING TUESDAY! TOGETHER WE GIVE. TOGETHER WE GROW. Don’t forget today is Giving Tuesday! Together We Give. Together We Grow. Your donation today to Harmony, Inc supports the Growing Harmony Fund. Through your donation to the Growing Harmony Fund, you help continue our mission of “Empowering all women through singing, education, and friendship” and Growing Harmony at all levels through education mentorship, and training. Your donations, no matter how small, help sustain and grow our important programs. Don’t forget to check with your employer about matching charitable contributions. You could increase your impact through employer matching contributions and designating Harmony, Inc as the recipient. Thank you for your generosity! In Harmony, Anne Bureau Director of Philanthropy |
Harmony Headlines – November 29, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Convention Corner – Highlights from IC&C!
It's been 3 weeks since the start of International Convention & Contests 2024 started in Louisville, KY. Are you still struggling with convention withdrawal? We have you covered! Check out the links below for ICC Photos 2024 Candid Photos 2024 Posed Photos Check out Contest Videos on our Harmony, Inc YouTube Channel here! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell to be notified when new videos go up! Honorary Award Winners! Harmony Distinction Award: Steve Tramack, in recognition of his long time, active support of Harmony, Inc., not only through connection through his wife and daughters, but also his generosity and involvement in Harmony working with quartet and choruses in all areas, service as a Music Judge, a Coach, An Arranger, and a caring and passionate Barbershopper who symbolizes the very culture that Harmony, Incorporated stands for. Youth Member of the Year: Sam O’Neill, a member of A Cappella Showcase, in recognition of her countless volunteer hours in support of Harmony, Inc. Sandy White Membership Award: presented to Karen Atkinson, President of The Over Tones, Inc. for their 50% growth as of October 15, 2024, with 26 members. Past President’s Plaque: Linda Muise, Assistant International Contest & Judging Chair and Administrative Judge Category Specialist. Linda was instrumental in the successful transition of our contest judging program over the past year.
Together We Give. Together We Grow
Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024!Harmony, Inc is joining the Giving Tuesday campaign to support our Growing Harmony Fund. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Giving Tuesday philosophy aligns with our Growing Harmony initiative and is a perfect blend of Giving and Growing together. Our Growing Harmony Fund addresses the needs of the organization at all levels through education mentorship, and training. Since 1959, Harmony, Inc. has provided a welcoming environment for all women to express themselves through barbershop harmony and to form lifelong friendships. Help us spread our mission of “Empowering all women through singing, education, and friendship” by donating today. Your donations, no matter how small, help sustain and grow our important programs. Does your employer match chartable contributions? You could increase your impact through employer matching contributions and designating Harmony, Inc as the recipient Thank you for your generosity! |
Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024! Harmony, Inc. is joining the Giving Tuesday campaign to support our Growing Harmony Fund. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesdaywas created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. The Giving Tuesday philosophy aligns with our Growing Harmonyinitiative and is a perfect blend of Giving and Growing together. Our Growing Harmony Fund addresses the needs of the organization at all levels through education, mentorship, and training. Since 1959, Harmony, Inc. has provided a welcoming environment for all women to express themselves through barbershop harmony and to form lifelong friendships. Help us spread our mission of “Empowering all women through singing, education, and friendship” by donating today. Your donations, regardless of size, help sustain and grow our important programs. Does your employer match charitable contributions? You could increase your impact through employer matching contributions and designating Harmony, Inc. as the recipient. Thank you for your generosity! In Harmony, |
Harmony Headlines – November 2, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]()
Convention Corner
Anticipation – We’re So Close!
Late Breaking News: Can’t be with us in Louisville? We are excited to announce Harmony, Inc. will offer a Live Stream of our contest s in partnership with Lionsmane! The cost is $25 USD. There will be no replay nor interviews during the broadcast. Please use this link to register.
Have you followed our Countdown to Contest emails? If not check your email for our daily IC&C information!
Volunteer Sign Up:
In search of volunteers! There’s always room to lend a helping hand. Check out our Signup Genius app or feel free to contact Anne Leinen directly. ![]()
Make your plans to make the most of IC&C:
Wednesday – November 6 6-6:30: Mass Sing with Pam Ringo! 7-9:00: Opening Ceremonies 9:30-11:00: Sing with the Queens Thursday – November 7 9-10:45: Education Classes 10-10:45: President’s Forum 11:30-7:00pm: Quartet Semi-Finals Friday – November 8 9-5:00: Chorus Contest 8:30-10:30: Parade of Champions Saturday – November 9 8:30-10:15: Education Classes 11-2:00: Quartet Finals 6-8: Celebration Dinner 8-10:00: Showcase 10-12:00 Hospitality Rooms NEW! Last minute change of plans? We have a solution! Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) Photo Forms - Photo forms are available online. Food options! Plan ahead. There are no on-site food sales at this year’s convention, so you’ll want to plan for this in advance. However, we are delighted the Galt House will offer a special lunch and dinner buffet of soups & salads for $20 per person. The buffet will run daily on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 11am – 2pm and 5 pm to 9 pm in Walker’s Exchange. Don’t Forget your Fascinator! This year's opening event includes a Derby Hat Contest. So, if you plan to participate make sure to have your fascinator packed and ready to go. The winner will get a certificate for a comped one-night room and tax for their stay at the Galt House! ![]()
Be A Bracelet Buddy!
Bracelet buddies wanted! Unaccompanied Minors Chorus had such a blast making bracelets for all of their Area 6 friends, they thought it would be fun if bracelet trading was a "thing" at IC&C in November as well. The kids invite all attendees to make bracelets to trade with the name of their quartet or chorus, or any other fun Harmony related slogan. There's something magical about the way members of our organization cheer for each other, and rocking bracelets with the name of your favorite groups is a great way to show support! Too busy or not handy enough to make your own bracelets? UM will make them for your group for $1 a piece. Remember to order enough to trade with your pals, old and new! Email lindsay@tyfystudios.com to place an order. We can't wait to see everyone in Louisville! ![]()
Order your 2024 IC&C Pin or you can pick it up at our booth at Harmony Mall!
The 2024 IC&C pins have arrived, and they are beauties! Our wild and crazy pin crew will be selling these keepsakes in Louisville throughout the convention for $15 each. Cash, check and zelle payment options available! All proceeds benefit Sisters of Sound chorus. Questions? Contact us at annlkem@yahoo.com and we will see you in Louisville! |
Harmony Headlines – October 25, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]() Convention Corner It’s Almost Time – We’re So Excited! DEADLINE SOON!: October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]() NEW! Last minute change of plans? We have a solution! Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) Photo Forms - Photo forms are available online. ![]()
In search of volunteers! These opportunities are great way to be part of IC&C and are meaningful contributions in support of Harmony, Inc. Grab your bestie and sign up today!
If any of these roles sound like a fit, you can sign up here, or feel free to contact Anne Leinen directly.
![]() Don’t Forget your Fascinator!
This year's opening event includes a Derby Hat Contest. So, if you plan to participate make sure to have your fascinator packed and ready to go! Here are the details:
Be A Bracelet Buddy!
Bracelet buddies wanted! Unaccompanied Minors Chorus had such a blast making bracelets for all of their Area 6 friends, they thought it would be fun if bracelet trading was a "thing" at IC&C in November as well. The kids invite all attendees to make bracelets to trade with the name of their quartet or chorus, or any other fun Harmony related slogan. There's something magical about the way members of our organization cheer for each other, and rocking bracelets with the name of your favorite groups is a great way to show support! Too busy or not handy enough to make your own bracelets? UM will make them for your group for $1 a piece. Remember to order enough to trade with your pals, old and new! Email lindsay@tyfystudios.com to place an order. We can't wait to see everyone in Louisville! ![]()
Order your 2024 IC&C Pin!
The 2024 IC&C pins have arrived, and they are beauties! Our wild and crazy pin crew will be selling these keepsakes in Louisville throughout the convention for $15 each. Cash, check and zelle payment options available! All proceeds benefit Sisters of Sound chorus. Questions? Contact us at annlkem@yahoo.com and we will see you in Louisville! Coming Soon: Countdown to Convention Daily Communications! ![]()
Congratulations to our Harmony, Inc Participants on World Singing Day
Sing Together. Unite the world.
We’re so proud of Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices and Silk ‘n Sounds who participated in World Singing Day! Check out social media posts to see and hear performances by:
Harmony Heritage Facebook Post Montreal City Voices Facebook Post If you and your besties celebrated World Singing Day - post and tag your photos with #worldsingingday |
Harmony Headlines – October 16, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Convention Corner
Deadlines Approaching – We’re So Excited! October 24 Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses) October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]() In search of volunteers! These opportunities are great way to be part of IC&C and are meaningful contributions in support of Harmony, Inc. Grab your bestie and sign up today! Two volunteers to sell tickets during Chorus contest from 8:15 to 11:00 am. Yes, you’ll miss part of the contest, but you’d still be able to see half of the contest. With two volunteers, you can cover one another and see your favorite chorus perform. Sign up HERE ![]() Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) PHOTO FORMS - Photo forms are available online. ![]() Be A Bracelet Buddy! Bracelet buddies wanted! Unaccompanied Minors Chorus had such a blast making bracelets for all of their Area 6 friends, they thought it would be fun if bracelet trading was a "thing" at IC&C in November as well. The kids invite all attendees to make bracelets to trade with the name of their quartet or chorus, or any other fun Harmony related slogan. Making the bracelets is an entertaining and creative group activity, and trading is an excellent way to connect with folks that you might not have met otherwise. There's something magical about the way members of our organization cheer for each other, and rocking bracelets with the name of your favorite groups is a great way to show support! Too busy or not handy enough to make your own bracelets? UM will make them for your group for $1 a piece. Remember to order enough to trade with your pals, old and new! Email lindsay@tyfystudios.com to place an order. We can't wait to see everyone in Louisville! ![]() Order your 2024 IC&C Pin! The 2024 IC&C pins have arrived, and they are beauties! Our wild and crazy pin crew will be selling these keepsakes in Louisville throughout the convention for $15 each. Cash, check and zelle payment options available! All proceeds benefit Sisters of Sound chorus. Questions? Contact us at annlkem@yahoo.com and we will see you in Louisville! ![]() World Singing Day Oct 19, 2024 – Sing Together. Unite the world. One more sleep until World Singing Day! We are excited to have Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices and Silk ‘n Sounds, and taking part in this global singing event! Harmony Heritage will be a Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Bill Road, Warwick, RI from 1:00-2:30 PM eastern time. Montreal City Voices at Cedar Park United Church, 204 Lakeview Ave, Pointe-Claire, Quebec at 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm) Silk ‘n Sounds will be at the Fairfield First Church Congregational at 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT at 4:00 PM eastern time. There’s still time grab your besties and sing some songs to be a part of this global singing event! While you’re singing together you can make bracelets to exchange with your friends from the Unaccompanied Minors! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day. Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday |
Harmony Headlines – October 11, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Convention Corner: We’re less than a month away!
October 24 Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses) October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]() Volunteer Sign Up: In search of volunteers! These opportunities are great way to be part of IC&C and are meaningful contributions in support of Harmony, Inc. Grab your bestie and sign up today!
![]() NEW! Last minute change of plans? We have a solution! Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) PHOTO FORMS - Photo forms are available online. ![]() Minor Chords Celebrate 20th Anniversary – Don’t Delay order your Anniversary T-Shirt Today! A Special Edition 20th Anniversary T-Shirt is available to celebrate this amazing accomplishment! Each shirt purchased will give some money back to our Youth Programs in Harmony, plus you can also choose to donate extra to the cause. Use this LINK to order and proudly wear your shirt at IC&C to show your support. Sales end October 12th. ![]() It's almost here! World Singing Day is next Saturday. We are excited to have Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices and Silk ‘n Sounds, and taking part in this global singing event! Harmony Heritage will be a Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Bill Road, Warwick, RI from 1:00-2:30 PM eastern time. Montreal City Voices at Cedar Park United Church, 204 Lakeview Ave, Pointe-Claire, Quebec at 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm) Silk ‘n Sounds will be at the Fairfield First Church Congregational at 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT at 4:00 PM eastern time. It’s not too late to grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day. Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday |
Harmony Headlines – October 4, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Convention Corner
Deadlines Approaching October 24 Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses) October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]()
Volunteer Sign Up:
Looking for way to be involved with IC&C? Look no further, there are many wonderful volunteer opportunities to be a part of IC&C and connect with our Harmony friends. Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
NEW! Last minute change of plans? We have a solution!
Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) PHOTO FORMS - Photo forms are available online. ![]() International Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda Items due October 7th Do you have an agenda item(s) you would like to submit for the IBOD to consider? Use HAR-009 to submit your thoughts and ideas: Find it here: www.harmonyinc.org/forms ![]()
Minor Chords Celebrate 20th Anniversary!
A Special Edition 20th Anniversary T-Shirt is available to celebrate this amazing accomplishment! Each shirt purchased will give some money back to our Youth Programs in Harmony, plus you can also choose to donate extra to the cause. Use this LINK to order and proudly wear your shirt at IC&C to show your support. Sales end October 12th . ![]() World Singing Day Oct 19, 2024 – Sing Together. Unite the world. We’re less than a month away from World Singing Day! We are excited to have Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices and Silk ‘n Sounds, and taking part in this global singing event! Harmony Heritage will be a Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Bill Road, Warwick, RI from 1:00-2:30 PM eastern time. Montreal City Voices at Cedar Park United Church, 204 Lakeview Ave, Pointe-Claire, Quebec at 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm) Silk ‘n Sounds will be at the Fairfield First Church Congregational at 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT at 4:00 PM eastern time. It’s not too late to grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day. Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday |
Minor Chords is celebrating their 20th Anniversary with a commerative t-shirt! Want to be part of the celebration? You can order one and show your support for this amazing accomplishment. Shirts are $20 and you can make an additional donation to support our Youth Programs in Harmony. Sales end on October 12 so don't delay getting your order in. Shirts should arrive in time for IC&C so you can proudly wear yours to show your support Link to Order |
Harmony Headlines – September 27, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]()
Convention Corner
Deadlines Approaching - There are several upcoming deadlines for IC&C: October 1 Dinner Registrations - order through your AEP registration HERE Order a printed program - order through your AEP registration HERE Big Screen Ads - go HERE Hotel Room Reservations - Please go HERE to book your hotel room. You've booked your hotel room for IC&C but there's been a change in arrival date, roommates, etc. You must use the website to make any changes to your hotel reservation. YOU CANNOT CALL THE HOTEL DIRECTLY. October 24 Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses) October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]()
Volunteer Sign Up:
Looking for way to be involved with IC&C? Look no further, there are many wonderful volunteer opportunities to be a part of IC&C and connect with our Harmony friends. Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
NEW! Last minute change of plans? We have a solution!
Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) PHOTO FORMS - Photo forms are available online. ![]() International Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda Items due October 7th Do you have an agenda item(s) you would like to submit for the IBOD to consider? Use HAR-009 to submit your thoughts and ideas: Find it here: www.harmonyinc.org/forms ![]() World Singing Day Oct 19, 2024 – Sing Together. Unite the world. We’re less than a month away from World Singing Day! We are excited to have Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices and Silk ‘n Sounds, and taking part in this global singing event! Harmony Heritage will be a Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Bill Road, Warwick, RI from 1:00-2:30 PM eastern time. Montreal City Voices at Cedar Park United Church, 204 Lakeview Ave, Pointe-Claire, Quebec at 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm). Silk ‘n Sounds will be at the Fairfield First Church Congregational at 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT at 4:00 PM eastern time. It’s not too late to grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day. Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday
Notice of Fee Increase Due to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card each new member receives upon joining Harmony, Inc. |
Harmony Headlines – September 20, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]() Convention Corner October 1 Dinner Registrations - order through your AEP registration HERE Order a printed program - order through your AEP registration HERE Big Screen Ads - go HERE Hotel Room Reservations - Please go HERE to book your hotel room. You've booked your hotel room for IC&C but there's been a change in arrival date, roommates, etc. You must use the website to make any changes to your hotel reservation. YOU CANNOT CALL THE HOTEL DIRECTLY. October 24 Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses) October 31, Midnight EDT Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door). ![]() Volunteer Sign Up: Looking for way to be involved with IC&C? Look no further, there are many wonderful volunteer opportunities to be a part of IC&C and connect with our Harmony friends. Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section) PHOTO FORMS - Photo forms are available online. ![]() Part 5 of Engaging Youth with Tessa Raye Walker – September 25 at 7:30 pm eastern. Don’t forget the HIVE Library is searchable and an excellent reference source! ![]() International Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda Items due October 7th Do you have an agenda item(s) you would like to submit for the IBOD to consider? Use HAR-009 to submit your thoughts and ideas: Find it here: www.harmonyinc.org/forms ![]() World Singing Day Oct 19, 2024 – Sing Together. Unite the world. We’re less than a month away from World Singing Day! We are excited to have Harmony Heritage, Silk ‘n Sounds, and Montreal City Voices taking part in this global singing event! Harmony Heritage will be a Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Bill Road, Warwick, RI from 1:00-2:30 PM eastern time. Silk ‘n Sounds will be at the Fairfield First Church Congregational at 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT at 4:00 PM eastern time. Montreal City Voices details coming soon! It’s not too late to grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day. Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday
Notice of Fee Increase Due to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card each new member receives upon joining Harmony, Inc. |
Engaging Youth - Part 5 Join Tessa Raye Walker in this continuing series on ways, big and small, to introduce, engage, and enourage youth to sing barbershop! Get some new ideas and inspiration for what you, as an individual, your quartet, or your chapter can do to pave the way for more youth to discover our style of music. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/241235401152239 Part 1 available in HIVE Library. Part 2 available in HIVE Library Part 3 available in HIVE Library Part 4 - Coming Soon! |
Harmony Headlines – September 13, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
Convention Corner
Order of Appearamce
![]() Volunteer Sign Up: There are still many jobs waiting to be filled at contest. These are wonderful opportunities to be a part of C&C and connect with our Harmony friends. Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Big Screen Ads – Deadline October 1 Show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, and more with a Big Screen ad! Cost:
Hotel Room Reservations
![]() Youth Member Award Nominations – Deadline September 15th! Nominations now open! For more information or to nominate a youth member, email youth@harmonyinc.org ![]() Minor Chords Director Nominations If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org International Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda Items due October 7th Do you have an agenda item(s) you would like to submit for the IBOD to consider? Use HAR-009 to submit your thoughts and ideas: Find it here: www.harmonyinc.org/forms ![]() Grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday
Notice of Fee IncreaseDue to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card each new member receives upon joining Harmony, Inc. |
Harmony Headlines – September 6, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights:
![]() Convention Corner It’s Post Time! Join Bluegrass Harmony Chorus as they host the draw for the 2024 International Convention & Contests. The action takes place September 12 at 7:45 p.m. EDT. Which quartet will be out of the gate first? Which chorus will bring it home in the long stretch? We'll find out LIVE! Information on how to watch will be sent out closer to the event day and time. ![]() Volunteer Sign Up: There are still many jobs waiting to be filled at contest. These are wonderful opportunities to be a part of C&C and connect with our Harmony friends. Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Big Screen Ads – Deadline October 1 Show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, and more with a Big Screen ad! Cost:
Hotel Room Reservations
![]() Youth Member Award Nominations – Deadline September 15th! Nominations now open! For more information or to nominate a youth member, email youth@harmonyinc.org ![]() Minor Chords Director Nominations If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org ![]() Grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday Notice of Fee Increase Due to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card eac new member receives upon joining Harmony, Inc. |
Harmony Headlines – August 30, 2024 With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: ![]() Convention Corner It’s Post Time! Join Bluegrass Harmony Chorus as they host the draw for the 2024 International Convention & Contests. The action takes place September 12 at 7:45 p.m. EDT. Which quartet will be out of the gate first? Which chorus will bring it home in the long stretch? We'll find out LIVE! Information on how to watch will be sent out closer to the event day and time. Big Screen Ads – Deadline October 1 Show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, and more with a Big Screen ad! Cost:
![]() Volunteer Sign Up: The Volunteer Sign Up is ready to go and we need your help at IC&C! Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
You can find a recording on our members only site ![]() Youth Member Award Nominations – Deadline September 15th! Nominations now open! For more information or to nominate a youth member, email youth@harmonyinc.org ![]() Minor Chords Director Nominations If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org ![]() World Singing Day Oct 19, 2024 – Sing Together. Unite the world. Grab your besties and make plans to be a part of this global singing event! See our dedicated webpage for more details. https://www.harmonyinc.org/world-singing-day Post your events and tag your photos with #worldsingingday |
Our 4th sesson of this 5-part Series! There are a plethora of ways, big and small, to introduce, engage, and encourage youth to sing barbershop! We'll cover subjects such as school visits, show invitations, day workshops, weekend explosion camps, and more. Get some new ideas and inspiration for what you, as an individual, your quartet, or your chapter can do to pave the way for more youth to discover our style of music. If you missed a presentation you can find it in the HIVE Libarary! Part 1 available in HIVE Library. Part 2 available in HIVE Library Part 3 available in HIVE Library | |
For more information, see: | https://form.jotform.com/241235401152239 |
Harmony Headlines – August 16, 2024
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: Convention Corner Know Before You Go Zoom Call
Hotel Room Reservations
Scooter Rental Reservations
Volunteer Sign Up: The Volunteer Sign Up is ready to go and we need your help at IC&C! Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Youth Member Award Nominations Nominations now open! For more information or to nominate a youth member, email youth@harmonyinc.org Minor Chords Director Nominations If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org THE HIVE Tessa Walker’s Engaging Youth Series continues August 28th at 7:30 Eastern Get some new ideas and inspiration for what you, as an individual, your quartet, or your chapter can do to pave the way for more youth to discover our style of music. Register here Register Here Part 1 available in HIVE Library. Part 2 available in HIVE Library Part 3 available in HIVE Library Remember that HIVE classes are recorded and posted to the HIVE library. |
With so much happening in Harmony, Inc here’s a recap of this week’s news highlights: Convention Corner Know Before You Go Zoom Call
Volunteer Sign Up: The Volunteer Sign Up is ready to go and we need your help at IC&C! Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Nominations now open! For more information or to nominate a youth member, email youth@harmonyinc.org Minor Chords Director Nominations If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org THE HIVE - Hearty, Happy, Healthy with Kim Wonders - August 14 7:30 pm ET Registration Link: https://form.jotform.com/241486049741259 Remember that HIVE classes are recorded and posted to the HIVE library. |
This is the 3rd Session of this 5 -Part Series There are a plethora of ways, big and small, to introduce, engage, and encourage youth to sing barbershop! We'll cover subjects such as school visits, show invitations, day workshops, weekend explosion camps, and more. Get some new ideas and inspiration for what you, as an individual, your quartet, or your chapter can do to pave the way for more youth to discover our style of music. Part 1 currently available in HIVE Library. | |
For more information, see: | https://form.jotform.com/241235401152239 |
To provide directors a range of tools and techniques to enhance the rehearsal experience that satisfies the emotional and musical needs of the singers and the director. Kim is the recipient of the Sweet Adalines/NAfME Music Educator of the Year Award in 2005. She served as the Education Coordinator for Sweet Adalines Harmony Heartland Region 4 and is also a member of the Sweet Adaline's International Faculty | |
For more information, see: | https://form.jotform.com/241437928225258 |
To all Harmony, Inc. members: The hotel room block and registration website for this year’s IC&C are now open! HOTEL ROOM RESERVATIONSPlease go to https://book.passkey.com/go/HarmonyInc2024 to book your hotel room. The convention rate will be offered October 31 – November 12 if you would like to extend your stay to explore all of the fun things to do in Louisville. Types of rooms |
This class explores seven different learning intelligences and how these styles affect group and individual rehearsal times. Participants will explore different tools that can be used to enhance learning, along with ways to understand the way in which others engage during rehearsal time. This class will also discuss how the different ways in which people learn can affect the ways in which singers interact on the risers and how understanding can positively affect chorus culture and create engaging rehearsals. | |
For more information, see: | https://form.jotform.com/241235637913255 |
Engaging Youth
See the action from the inside out and be part of the Convention Team! We're looking to fill the following roles: The IC&C Business Services Manager updates and distributes contracts to vendors for IC&C Harmony Mall as well as solicits IC&C big screen ads from those companies with whom Harmony, Inc. does business and the general membership. If space is available, also informs chapters that they may sell merchandise in the IC&C Hospitality Room. The IC&C Convention Team Assistant works closely with the Convention Manager to project manage all things related to IC&C to ensure we stay on task for everything leading up to the event. This includes being the liaison not only within the IC&C team but with other teams in the organization (Corporate, AHQ, Education etc.) and third-party vendors. The PM will also support some of the more admin specific tasks such as monthly call notes, hotel rooming lists, fair share assessment charges and other tasks as needed. Interested in these positions? Contact Allison Thompson at iccmanager@harmonyinc.org for more information. |
Musician's Vision recording has now been uploaded into the HIVE library for your viewing pleasure! Have you tried the new search feature in the HIVE library? For example, if you search warm-ups you get Stretches for Everyday Singers 2 Yoga for Singers Healthy, Free Vocal Production Give it a try for anything you might be looking for and if you don't find what you are looking for send an email to the Education Coordinator. You just might see a class in the future with this exact topic! Watch your inbox for more classes as they become available and check out the HIVE calendar. Remember that HIVE classes are recorded and posted to the HIVE library. Happy learning! In Harmony, Angie Morton Corporate Office Assistant COAssistant@harmonyinc.org |
Be an informed voter. Read the resumes of the five candidates found in the May 31 email from the Corporate Office. And watch the Nominee Chats posted in the Members Only section of the Harmony, Inc. website. Link here: https://www.harmonyinc.org/nomineechat YOUR VOTE IS DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 15, 2024. Be sure to vote on or before that day for your vote to count. |
Class Description: Do you know who shows up on stage? The person you believe yourself to be - let's deepen that- come and discover more of your vision as a musician and human - put the whole of who you are, into everything you do. BIO Mo Field (She/Her/Them/They) Mo Field is a musician, performer and believer in people. She is a globally sought after coach, arranger, musical director, educator, workshop facilitator, keynote speaker and mentor. Mo is a seeker of connecting humanity - weaving our stories through musical truth telling and deeply nuanced expressiveness, is her jam. |
MUST WE REPORT PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY? YES! Paying for music and the right to perform it - can be a complicated concept! Remembering to report it, however, is not. 😊 Harmony, Inc. and its Areas and Chapters are required to pay fees to three separate U.S. music licensing agencies (ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC) whenever we perform music at live events that we organize i.e. Chapter Shows, AC&C's and IC&C. If your chapter had a performance or show that was attended by the public, regardless of whether or not you sold tickets, accepted donations in lieu of tickets, or performed for free, you can fulfill this requirement by reporting your activity on Form HAR-122 ... UNLESS you have your own accounts in place with ASCAP, BMI, & SESAC. By completing Form HAR-122, (found in the Members Only section of the website and embedded in this sentence) your chapter will fall under umbrella agreements with these licensing organizations. So, instead of your chapter paying fees directly to ASCAP/BMI/SESAC, you can submit your information to Harmony, Inc. and we will report on your behalf. Your chapter/area will then be billed for your portion of fees paid under Harmony, Inc.’s licensing agreements. The fees will typically be less than paying directly to these organizations to perform your music. Canadian Chapters/Areas must report their performance activity to SOCAN, with whom we do not currently have an umbrella license. This reporting must be done independently by each chapter/area; consequently, the form referred to below is not applicable in Canada. Please review the linked form and familiarize yourself with the information. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you submit the form within 10 days of the event. Our quarterly reporting deadlines are 15 days after the end of the previous quarter. We cannot report for you if we do not have the information by the 10th of the month. If you have questions about completing this form, please contact the Finance Assistant at financeoffice@harmonyinc.org. Questions about this information? Contact the Copyright & Licensing Coordinator at recording@harmonyinc.org or the Finance Assistant at financeoffice@harmonyinc.org. |
Engaging Youth
Are you interested in serving Harmony in the important role of New Chapter Development Coordinator?This individual is the first point of contact for budding choruses. The New Chapter Development Coordinator walks prospective chapters through the steps to becoming chartered chapters of Harmony, Inc. – a very exciting and fulfilling role indeed! In this role, you will have the support of the outgoing New Chapter Development Coordinator, Bev Jackson, and an entire Membership team. Detailed information about this position is located in the corporate manual. If you are interested or would like some more information, please email Taralee Lashway, directormembership@harmonyinc.org or complete form HAR-001 www.harmonyinc.org/app-assistant-to-ibod>. |
Generating Grassroots Financial Support
In this course, participants will discover practical strategies for cultivating grassroots financial support tailored to the unique needs of barbershop ensembles in the post-pandemic landscape. Emphasizing community engagement and relationship-building, the class will empower attendees to position their ensembles as leaders in their local communities, inspiring meaningful connections and sustainable revenue streams. From leveraging existing events to crafting compelling narratives, participants will gain the tools and confidence needed to navigate the evolving fundraising landscape and secure the future of barbershop harmony. |
Now that you've qualified, what do you do to make your intent to compete at IC&C known?Once you've qualified at AC&C, your quartet or chorus contact will receive an email with your official invitation to compete at IC&C from our corporate office. This email will contain all the links and pertinent information required to submit your intention to compete. You will have 15 days from the receipt of this email to complete the required contest entry information in the new system. If your quartet or chorus does not plan to compete at IC&C, please complete HAR-059 Official International Quartet Contest Information Form or HAR-060 Official International Chorus Contest Information Form and select decline invitation. Your job will be done. That information will help with planning. If your quartet or chorus does plan to be part of the contest, you will need to complete two steps this year as we utilize the new scoring system. The information below is what will be contained in the email from corporate:
Remember, if your quartet or chorus is planning to compete, you can avoid a $5 per member late fee by completing the 2-step process on or before 15 days from the receipt of the email. No contest entries are accepted after September 1, 2024. |
Like many other non-profit organizations around the world, we rely on our amazing volunteers to generously give their time and serve our thriving organization. Without these caring individuals Harmony Incorporated would not be the outstanding organization we all love. So please, we invite you to put a smile on their face by thanking them for what they do for all of us! |
The Spring Contest Cycle was officially launched this past weekend, April 12-13, with 9 quartets and 12 choruses gathering, singing, and celebrating this great artform in Framingham, MA. These AREA 2 ensembles showed off their talents and entertained an enthusiastic audience. The excitement was electrifying and highly infectious with an incredible 100%-chapter participation. Read all about the results and check out the AREA 2 website for details. |
It is hard to believe it is officially contest time! We have decided on a corporate level to take a break from livestreaming any contest this year so that we may analyze the costs and determine the best course of action for creating a successful experience.
However, some Areas have decided to invest in providing a livestream for their contest. Be sure to watch the Hi-Note for updates on which areas and how you can access their contest.
Best of luck to everyone crossing the stage this year!
Allison Thompson IC&C Convention Manager |
“Empowering women through singing, education, and friendship,” is the core mission of Harmony, Inc., now celebrating its 65th birthday. Over the past six and a half decades, our organization has undergone remarkable growth, particularly in the realms of musical and leadership education.
In response to the challenges presented by the pandemic in 2020, Harmony, Inc. swiftly adapted and launched The HIVE — a comprehensive catalog of recorded classes available to all members though our website. This initiative allowed us to transcend the traditional limitations of in-person gatherings, providing members with continuous opportunities for education.
With 119 classes currently available, facilitated by 64 different teachers, the HIVE has garnered 7,398 registrations to date. The platform has become a valuable resource, showcasing our commitment to ongoing learning and accessibility, allowing members to engage in education without leaving their homes.
Beyond the HIVE, Harmony, Inc. members are embracing creative educational opportunities. Many Areas organize education days with unique and enjoyable twists, fostering a culture of continuous learning. At the International level, our focus on musical directors’ education led to the initiation of the Directors First campaign in 2016. This initiative aimed to send. directors and musical leaders to Harmony University (HU) — an esteemed barbershop education experience, with the first scholarships being awarded in 2017. We are proud to have supported a number of musical leaders in attending HU, enriching their knowledge and bringing valuable insights back to our risers to elevate our collective musical education. With an eye always on further educational experiences, in 2023 Harmony took another leap in developing our musical director skills by initiating a mentorship program. We currently have twelve musical leaders involved with our one-on-one mentoring program with further growth expected in the months to come.
Just as Harmony, Inc. started small, our educational endeavors have experienced remarkable growth, a testament to the big thinking of our members and leaders. We celebrate the success of our educational initiatives and look forward to continued growth and learning in the years ahead. Let us know - what was your favorite education class?
Harmony, Inc. is proud of our founding values of inclusion and autonomy. In a bid to strengthen bonds within the a cappella world, Harmony, Inc. explored a partnership with the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). However, the pursuit of maintaining the autonomy we hold dear led us to choose a different path.
The story doesn't end there; our relationships with both Sweet Adelines International and BHS have evolved into harmonious partnerships, each organization recognizing and respecting what we value about Harmony, Inc. We also deeply value our relationship with the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (L.A.B.B.S.) whose generously donated trophy for the non-medalist chorus achieving the highest scores in the Performance Category has been a cherished addition to our annual convention for 40 years.
Our relationships with Sing Canada Harmony and Harmony Foundation International have helped support our Directors First program, established to provide support and training for musical leaders and directors. We established a partnership with the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association with the recent eligibility of quartets and choruses to attend Mixed Voice Contests at Area conventions. Our championship quartets have also appeared on the World Harmony Showcase show, held in conjunction with the BHS International Convention.
Our commitment to inclusivity remains steadfast, and as we celebrate our 65th anniversary, we stand proud of the harmonious relationships we've forged within the singing community. Our shared judging platform with the BHS has been beneficial to all involved, and it’s been an honor for our Harmony Queens to be invited to sing alongside the BHS quartet champions and Sweet Adelines Queens of Harmony at events like the BHS Midwinter Convention. Here's to 65 years of breaking barriers, embracing diversity, starting small and thinking big while maintaining the values that are so important to the heart of Harmony, Inc.!
We would love for you to share pictures or stories of your experiences shared with members of the other communities of barbershop singers!
Since its very inception 65 years ago, Harmony, Incorporated has rooted itself in the embrace of singers of all walks of life – irrespective of beliefs, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Inclusion has not been just a value for us, it has been a guiding force; enriching our organization with the diverse voices which grace our membership. As we stand today, inclusion remains one of our five core values, a testament to the profound belief that our unity is strengthened by our differences.
No conversation about our origins would be complete without addressing the events that led to our formation. In 1957, Sweet Adelines, at the time the only women’s barbershop organization, passed a bylaw explicitly limiting membership to only white women. This action caused the resignation of some members who came together to form Harmony, Inc. In 1963, Sweet Adelines determined that Lana Clowes, a Black woman who had been singing tenor with the Ottawa chorus for over a year, was not allowed to be a member of her chapter. Following this widely-publicized refusal from Sweet Adelines, Lana and 20 members of her Ottawa chorus left the organization and went on to form the Capital Chordettes in Harmony, Inc.
To amplify our commitment to inclusion, our Equity and Diversity Committee has made available a rich on-line library of resources, hosted thought-provoking roundtables, and penned monthly articles - sometimes challenging, but always insightful. This committee serves as a beacon, unafraid to “Think Big!” while guiding us toward a more inclusive and harmonious future.
We are proud to stand with other organizations in this effort, especially Sweet Adelines, who awarded posthumous lifetime membership to Lana in 2016 at their 70th Annual Convention and Competition in Las Vegas. While receiving the honor on behalf of her mother, Valerie Clowes noted that, "the past is here to teach us, not to haunt us." Like all of us devoted to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, we are a work in progress, but we are committed to the work. It is important to who we were, who we are, but also who we will be.
Today, we continue to work for a future where every member from different races and ethnicities, from the LGBTQ+ community, members with disabilities, different religions, and gender identities, can not only find their place on our risers, but also see the beauty of their own unique voice within our collective harmony.
Tag your chapter or area and list one way you or they have been radically inclusive to actively incorporate other perspectives and experiences to create a welcoming environment for singers.
In 2023, Harmony, Inc. Area 6, located in the Southeastern United States, showed tremendous growth in the quality of Area Convention and Contests (AC&C) scores, as eight out of nine choruses that took the stage qualified for the prestigious International Convention and Contests, including three choruses for whom this was their first AC&C! Area 6 has shown steady growth and engagement of its membership with their dedication and passion to the art form and the organization.
This remarkable achievement from Harmony’s newest area embodies the essence of “Start Small, Think Big!” We applaud Area 6 Harmony, Inc.'s Area 6’s commitment to excellence and growth in their contest scores, educational opportunities, and the relationships that have blossomed as a result of their time spent together.
As we celebrate the 65th birthday of Harmony, Inc., we wish to congratulate Area 6 and all of our Areas that demonstrate ingenuity and forward thinking in how they deliberately involve and better their members, resulting in so many high-quality ensembles crossing the stage! We want to know - how do you engage your area members?
Since 1959, Harmony Inc. has expanded from our Eastern roots to include chapters in six geographical areas in the United States and Canada from California to Newfoundland. Excitingly, a seventh Expansion Area is taking shape as we share our love of Harmony with more and more people in the Western US!
You can be a part of our “Westward Expansion”! Tag your friends and let them know that Harmony, Inc. is making waves in the west!
Visit https://www.harmonyinc.org/start-a-chorus for all of the information you need to get a chorus started.
We also want to shout out to our Expansion Area chapters - On Q (New Mexico), Vocal Moxie (Arizona), and Women in Harmony (Manitoba), as well as our prospective chapters - Soundsation Harmony (Florida), East Wind Harmony (New Brunswick), and Greater Montreal Chorus (Montreal) and other Harmony, Inc. choruses in the works (Spirit of Michigan). Check out their social media and help spread the word!
We started small, but we are thinking big: let’s make our Expansion Area resonate with the sound of Harmony!
As we celebrate our 65th birthday, Harmony, Inc. is proud to showcase members of our musical family who have grown up under the wing of our organization. Did you know we boast more than 80 active members who have been members of Harmony for over 40 years? What a testament to the “blend with friendship” that resonates beyond the stage!
When asked about her time with Harmony, Inc., Anne Bureau volunteered, "I joined Harmony Inc. at 28. I was not looking for a place to sing, nor was I interested in joining any organization. The moment I heard the four-part harmony, and witnessed pure joy on everyone's faces, I was hooked, and never looked back. Through Harmony, Inc., I met my best friends, including my Spectrum quartet mates, Judy, Ellen, and Marion. Thanks to Harmony, Inc., I also met my husband and soul mate, Ig.
In the words of Katie Taylor, director of champion chorus Northern Blend and a member of Harmony, Inc. since 1988, “Growing up in barbershop has been amazing—not only did singing with my parents and sister strengthen my family, but I have built amazing friendships and been able to travel the world to work with barbershoppers of all ages and walks of life! It has shaped me into a strong musician and led me to become a music educator, where I pass along my love of barbershop to my students…including my son! It is part of my life on the daily, and I can’t imagine where I would be without it!
Join us in celebrating these exceptional singers who have grown up in Harmony. Share your favorite memory, tag a long time Harmony, Inc. member, and let’s rejoice in the journeys that reflect our belief that starting small but thinking big can lead to something amazing.
Here’s to the past, present, and future of our Harmony Family!
From Harmony, Inc.’s inception in 1959 until 1984, all Harmony, Inc. contests were judged by a panel of certified men from the organization known at that time as the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., now the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). In 1973, several members of our organization, each of them already Harmony Queens and remarkable musicians in their own rights, went on to lay the foundation of our modern-day judging program, with the help of the BHS. Certifying these women was groundbreaking not only for Harmony, but for barbershoppers everywhere.
Today, in celebration of Harmony Awareness Week, we want to voice our respect and gratitude to Nancy Foris, Barbara-Ann MacIntosh, and Lauren Lindeman, our first three judges certified by the exacting standards of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., and true pioneers in our judging program. By 1989, 16 additional women from within the ranks of Harmony, Inc. had become certified, and for the first time, another pioneering Harmony, Inc. certified judge, Diane Patterson, adjudicated the International Contest.
From the seeds they planted has grown a remarkable network of Harmony, Inc. members who have become certified judges, twenty-five of them to date. Though our organization no longer depends solely on BHS judges to fill our panels, we are grateful to their volunteers for their support and training throughout the decades as our number of certified judges steadily continues to grow.
In 1987, the first All-Harmony judging panel occurred at the Area 2 contest in Laval, Quebec. Shortly after the launch of the 2017 “Everyone in Harmony” Initiative, the BHS began certifying women. As a result, several judges from the Harmony, Inc. community are dual certified to judge not only our contests but Barbershop Harmony Society contests as well, with Theresa Weatherbee and Sandi Wright representing our organization in the Performance Category, and Linda Muise serving as a certified Administrative Judge. In more recent history Renee Tramack became a certified BHS Judge in the Singing Category in 2023. Recently, Sandi Wright completed the rare trifecta, being certified in three North American barbershop organizations in Performance (Harmony, Inc. and BHS) and Visual Communication (Sweet Adelines International).
Our judging program might have started small, with a tiny group of women asking the questions “why not us?”, but with commitment and cooperation it has grown to something our organization can take pride in.
We are celebrating our 65th anniversary and are highlighting this wonderful journey we have taken to make Harmony Stronger. We invite you to join us, from Feb 25th to March 2nd to celebrate what we have accomplished. Please join us in reading all about our story of strenghth, growth, and success as we keep spreading the joy of singing around the world. You'll read about:
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Harmony, Inc. will provide space on its "members-only" site for classified ads for a payment of $15. The ad can be no more than 50 words and will be posted for a 30-day period on the site. A photo/graphic may be included. Forward the ad via email to Web Manager, Pam Ringo. Forward the $15 check (payable to Harmony, Inc.) to: Click any ad below to view a PDF with details. |