One size doesn't fit all
And that's OK!
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
I’ve written previously about Harmony’s culture, but I think it’s worth considering again – especially in light of Harmony Fest West and our introduction of Harmony to a geographical region that doesn’t know us.
With our focus on growth and expansion – as well as focusing on the experience for our current members – now’s the time to truly look inward and objectively assess your chapter. Who are you… are you aligned in your goals, and does your culture support the attainment of those goals?
I’m realizing, as I write this, that there are going to be more questions here than declarative sentences… but that’s ok. Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers; it’s simply an opportunity to reflect on culture, and what culture can hinder or accomplish.
Is your chorus overtly supportive of work/life/singing balance or are there stricter expectations about attendance and preparation? Are you contest-driven, community-focused, or mostly a group of friends who like to sing? Are people welcomed warmly? Is there organizational support after the initial point of entry, month after month? Does your chapter laugh a lot … but is that humor understandable to new members who don’t “get” the inside jokes? Do members understand that riser placement may be based on dance moves, or the best blend of voices, or who simply likes standing in the front row (and that reflects on the type of chorus you are… trying to sound and look the best for performances, or just having fun?) Do you have a stringent and definitive audition process, or is everyone welcome on the risers? Are you open to coaching and constructive feedback, or is that something that causes stress and angst?
These questions reflect the diversity of our chapters. The beauty of our organization is that one size does not fit all, and that’s ok. Not every chorus is right for every singer.
However, there are a couple of incontrovertible and non-negotiable aspects of Harmony’s culture – and that’s what we intend to model at Harmony Fest West for our newest potential members. Those items include an absolute commitment to inclusion – remember how we were founded. The other absolute in our organization is that we have contests, not competitions. We cheer for one another while competing against ourselves. That’s a subtle but hugely important differentiating factor for Harmony, Inc.
As I re-read this, I recognize that all of these same questions could be (and probably should be!) asked in a quartet setting. Alignment of goals is imperative, whatever the ensemble.
Bottom line – there’s no one way to succeed in Harmony, because success is measured differently by every group. Choose what type of ensemble you want to be, as long as the basic precepts of Harmony are front and center; always be welcoming to new folks, and if your chapter isn’t a good fit, be gracious and supportive to help every individual find a Harmony experience that fits.
PS – Consider coming to Harmony Fest West to share the love and the immutable qualities that set Harmony apart!

Happy Anniversary, Harmony!
HI celebrates 66 years with Harmony Awareness Week
By Teri Allred, PR Coordinator
It's almost Harmony Awareness Week! Be a part of the celebration and share your HI-Story!
In 1989, as part of the 30th Anniversary celebrations, the International Board of Directors established Harmony Awareness Week to provide us an opportunity both to remember and to celebrate our rich history, founded on the principles of democratic processes and inclusion for all women.
This year we observe Harmony Awareness Week February 23 -- March 1. During this week-long celebration, you can learn more about our history and our mission of “Empowering All Women through Singing, Education, and Friendship” by following our daily HI-Story content on the Harmony, Inc website.
But that’s just one part of the celebration!
At a recent chorus rehearsal, I had the chance to chat with Kelly Peterson about how she found Harmony, Inc. Here’s her HI-Story:
“I joined Harmony, Inc. as an Associate member to sing in a quartet with my friends who couldn’t stop talking about how great Harmony is. Their passion for Harmony was evident, and after my first AC&C, I understood why. I loved the focus on hands-on education and the way members welcomed and celebrated everyone, regardless of how long they’d been around, what they looked like, whom they loved, or how well they performed in the contest. I am so proud to be part of this positive, focused, fun community of people who love to sing together, and now I share the story of Harmony with everyone I talk to.”
One of Kelly’s favorite activities is to sing tags, next time you see her ask her to teach you her favorite tag, Ebb Tide.
Harmony, Inc. has over 2300 members and Kelly’s HI-Story is just one. Every member has their own story of what brought them to Harmony, Inc. We want to learn about your unique HI-Story. During Harmony Awareness we invite you to contribute your HI-Story on social media platforms as we celebrate and share our unique culture.
To share your HI-Story, post a photo and your HI-Story to social media platforms and tag (no pun intended)
@Harmony, Incorporated, #Harmony66 #HIstory
#HarmonyAwarenessWeek #ABlendWithFriendship.
Not sure where or how to start your HI-Story post? Here are a couple of ideas:
Who brought you to your first Harmony, Inc. rehearsal?
What is your favorite/favourite memory with Harmony, Inc?
What is your favorite/favourite contest set?
What is your favorite/favourite tag?
We can’t wait to see your photos and read about your unique HI-Story as we look towards a future of Harmony. Stronger! |
Toward a better random draw
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
In a recent article, I wrote that my most frequently asked question before contest season is about the qualifying scores for IC&C. (To review: for choruses and quartets, 69 average to qualify and 67 average as the invitation floor; for youth quartets, 65 average to qualify).
Another question that I hear in the run-up to our contests is, “Can’t we improve the contest experience of members who perform in more than one quartet or chorus?”
The ICJ Committee, the IBOD, and your ACJCs are on the case.
Starting this contest season, a new rule is in place so that any member who sings in one chorus and directs another would have their appearances on stage separated by at least one contestant. Basically, if the singer/director’s ensembles were to be drawn back-to-back, one of the ensembles would be swapped by one position with an ensemble next in line. This would happen in real time during the draw and is much simpler than it sounds.
I used the conditional tense to describe what “would” happen, however, because we may not have to use that rule this season. This year, on a trial basis, the ACJCs will be piloting processes intended to ensure that the appearances of any members – not just director/singers – who perform in more than one ensemble will be separated by at least one contestant. Using information that the choruses and quartets have provided on the Contest Information Forms, the ACJCs will choose and use a process that (we expect) will ensure no back-to-back performances for dual members.
Processes to achieve this goal will vary. Some ACJCs may divide ensembles into separate pools for drawing, and draw from one pool or the other in a way that keeps the ensembles with dual members separated. Others may rely on a computer program that randomizes the draw yet smooths away conflicts. Still, others may use a randomized spreadsheet process to make the draw random yet fair to dual members. And if, for some unimagined reason, the pilot is unsuccessful in any Area, we will fall back on the new rule about director/singers to ensure that at least the ensembles that share a director/singer will be separated.
This is a big step for us. When the draws are complete this year, be sure to send lots of appreciation your ACJC’s way!
Harmony Fest West! Coming this Summer |
Harmony Fest West Sign Up Begins (Soon) |
Festival and contest signup begins
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
Festival entry/contest entry for any ensemble wishing to participate in Harmony Fest West is coming soon! Once it is available, it will remain open until June 10, although any entries received after May 12 will be considered late, and the late entrant will sing first.
You may be wondering about what will happen at Harmony Fest West, and, in particular, who may sing in the “contest” and who may sing in the “festival”. Keeping in mind that a goal of Harmony Fest West is to introduce the southwest to Harmony, Inc. while offering our own ensembles in the Expansion Area an opportunity to qualify for IC&C “locally”, here are some details about the festival/contest portion of the weekend.
Harmony, Inc. ensembles located in the Expansion Area and Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA) ensembles may enter the Harmony Fest West contest. In addition, Harmony, Inc. quartets that received permission from the ICJ Committee following timely submission (March 1 deadline) of a request to sing out of Area may register to sing in the contest. Registrants for the contest will receive numerical scores and will be eligible to sing at IC&C if their average score meets the qualifying score previously set by the IBOD for 2025 (69 average to qualify, 67 average as the floor for possible alternate spots).
Any a cappella ensemble may enter the festival. Registrants for the festival will receive festival ratings (superior, outstanding, excellent, good) rather than numerical scores. Entrants may include any Harmony, Inc. or MBHA quartet or chorus (or part of a chorus, or part of several choruses) that has already sung at a Harmony, Inc. Area contest in 2025, but whose members wish to get in on the fun of Harmony Fest West. Again, these ensembles will receive festival ratings (and the fun of singing at our first ever Harmony Fest West!), but their appearance at the festival will not provide a basis for determining eligibility for IC&C.
The combined contest and festival will proceed very much like an Area contest.
- All participants – festival or contest – will be charged the same contest entry fee, and a late fee will be assessed equally if the entry is submitted after May 12.
- All participants – festival or contest – will be expected to register and perform two songs. (Instructions for registering songs are in the link for contest and festival entry.)
- All participants – festival or contest – will be in the same random draws for order of appearance, one draw for quartets and one for choruses.
- All participants will be judged by the same panel of judges and will receive in-person evaluations from members of the judging panel.
- Festival entrants will be judged on a two-song a cappella package that includes at least one barbershop arrangement.
- Contest entrants will be judged on a two-song package in accordance with Harmony, Inc.’s contest rules.
Beyond that, Harmony Fest West in Tempe, Arizona, will proceed like any other Harmony, Inc. convention weekend. There will be classes. There will be a banquet. There will be singing. There will be camaraderie. There will be fun!
If you have any questions about Harmony Fest West, please contact Trayce Elenteny
or, if your question is about contest or festival entry, Panel Chair Linda Muise.
Harmony, Inc. is Headed for the Wild, Wild West! |
Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community, and an opportunity to compete to qualify for Harmony’s International Convention and Contests!
July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona, promises to be a blast as we continue to grow our westward expansion. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today! |
Harmony HOOPLA Inspires Area 6 |

By Lindsay Fontana, Area 6 PR Chair
It was a HOOPLA—because no other word captures the wild, joyful, and sometimes delightfully chaotic energy of Area 6! The weekend of January 24-26, over 100 Area 6 members (plus some surprise guests) flocked to Central Florida for a Harmony Hoopla—a whirlwind of singing, learning, and friendship, all with a Florida twist.
Even with a bit of a chill in the air, our all-star panel of Canadian coaches—Jordan Travis, Amy Patterson, and Adele Merritt—ditched their snow boots for flip-flops and led an action-packed weekend filled with dynamic classes, “coaching under glass” sessions, and an epic VLQ contest.
But the true showstopper? The Color Wars Competition!
Singers were randomly sorted into the Red, Blue, and Green teams, each coached by one of our incredible mentors, to put their own hilarious and heartfelt spin on In the Good Old Summertime. And let’s just say… boisterous doesn’t even begin to cover the energy that hit the stage!
A massive THANK YOU to Jordan, Amy, and Adele, as well as Marcia O’Neil for organizing Hoopla, and everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event an unforgettable celebration of harmony, music, and the incredible bonds we share. Until next time, we will be keeping the hoopla alive in Area 6!
Loving means helping!
By Donna McKay, Executive Vice President
Rounding out February, Harmony still finds itself in need of a few Assistants to the Board. Why not send a little Valentine's love our way and consider serving as:
Music Coordinator
This volunteer reports to the Director of Programs (Music & Education).
The Music Coordinator invites the director of the current International Championship Chorus to direct the International Chorus at the next IC&C. The Music Coordinator works with the director to select the music and secures up to 100 singers to perform in the International Chorus at IC&C.
Candidates for this position should possess sound organizational and communication skills. The Music Coordinator job description can be found in the corporate manual and includes detailed instructions for inviting singers to participate in the International Chorus.
If you are not a Harmony volunteer, this is your chance to get involved! If you would like more information, please contact the Director of Programs (Music & Education). Are you ready to apply? Complete the application form HAR-001.
Chorus Director Development Coordinator
This volunteer reports to the Director of Programs (Music & Education).
The Chorus Director Development Coordinator serves as an advisor and resource provider for all Harmony, Inc. chorus directors. They communicate regularly with chorus directors, share educational materials and other resources, and assist in meeting their training needs. The Chorus Director Development Coordinator administers the Director Mentoring Program designed to foster the development of musical directors interested in building their skills.
If you would like more information, please contact the Director of Programs (Music & Education). Additional details about this position can be found in the corporate manual. To apply, complete the application form HAR-001.
Marketing Team Manager
This volunteer position reports to the Executive Director and oversees the operations of the Marketing & Communications Team.
The ideal candidate has experience in project management and is capable of creating and executing marketing plans from start to finish. This individual will work closely with the Marketing & Communications Team, coordinating efforts among team members to create and present compelling, informative campaigns highlighting Harmony and its members and programs. The role will likely require an average of 5-10 hours of work per week.
If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Executive Director Kelly Peterson.
If you’ve had a chance to meet and talk with Jeanne O’Connor, you know what a special woman she is and what Harmony, Inc. means to her, as well as what she means to Harmony, Inc. The love and respect are mutual! Jeanne has been a member for almost 64 years. She donates monthly to Harmony, Inc. and she’s also a member of our 1959 Society. Read on to learn more about this Harmony, Inc. icon!
How did you discover Harmony, Inc.?
As a young teen, I often joined my good friend and her mother (a retired professional singer) sitting around their piano singing familiar tunes, adding simple harmonies. In early 1961, months after my father passed away, they joined a singing group and offered to take me to one of the functions; already knowing my love of music, they were also aware of my broken heart from the loss. In April of that year, days before my 14th birthday, I accompanied them to the Village Vocal Chords (VVC) chorus chartering ceremony where the group was officially welcomed to the international organization of Harmony, Inc.
That event was my introduction to the musical genre of barbershop harmony and to Ruth Geils, author of the Harmony Creed and progressive leader in the organization. Ruth was also an experienced barbershop harmony singer, the VVC founder and Director. Being immediately drawn to the beautiful harmony and to the welcoming group of women that evening, I joined the chorus one month later. A most generous chorus member helped my mother finance my participation, including my first HI convention in the fall of 1961 in Montreal.
Ruth quickly became a mentor, sharing her vast knowledge and experience in music performance and administration, and the importance of giving back. I learned a great deal from Ruth – I sang with her in the 1964 championship quartet, Scale Blazers, at the age of 17, and was chapter Secretary at 19. Such education, shared so freely and lovingly, was greatly appreciated, and invaluable, and set me on a course that helped bless my life’s journey in the organization.
What stands out for you as your most memorable moment while you have been a member of Harmony, Inc.?
As one might imagine, with nearly 64 years of membership, there are innumerable moments of pure joy and elation. I am grateful for, and humbled by, the many moments of appreciation and recognition the organization has shown me. Such moments have warmed my heart and strengthened my pledge to return the favor.
Why did you decide to make monthly reoccurring donations to Harmony, Inc., and was it easy to set up?
In addition to donating occasional larger sums for special causes, I wanted to participate in the monthly donation – it’s a convenience for me. I clicked the “Donate” button on Harmony’s website home page and there it was – descriptions of various funds with easy instructions on how to donate.
What impact do you hope to see as a result of your donations?
Upon Harmony’s founding in 1959, the Board of Directors added eight words to our corporate bylaws to ensure Harmony’s future: “The duration of this Corporation shall be perpetual.” I believe in Harmony’s principles and ideals, and I want others to be able to duplicate my life-long experience; thus, my monthly donation is to the Steve Hagerdon Bright Future Fund, which supports youth initiatives, for the youth are our future, our lifeline to perpetuity.
Reality suggests I no longer have youth-filled years ahead of me, and opportunities to “give back” could wane at any time in this world of the unknown. Try as I might, I will never be able to fully thank Harmony, Inc. for all its blessings bestowed upon me. Hopefully, my membership in the 1959 Society legacy program will, someday, help keep the corporation thriving, its harmonies filling the air with friendship and love. |
Sue Trenchard Quartet Service Award Nominations |
Corporate Office Words of Wisdom |

Log in to confirm your contact info is correct
It's that time of year when membership renewals are here and what better time to confirm your contact information?!
Reviewing your contact information yearly helps to ensure you receive communications from Harmony, Inc., your area and your chapter.
You can personally ensure your contact information is correct by logging into the Harmony, Inc. website, checking your profile and making any necessary updates.
Most updates made here will be transferred to the Corporate Office database.
Chapter leadership, if you have any additions/corrections to your official rosters outside of new members, dual members, or resigning members please use HAR-068A-Additions/Corrections to Official Roster. For example, this is the form to use when an Associate member decides to join your chorus.

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Kathy Greason
Barbro Weston
- to Nancy Frolich (Nickel City Sound, Area 5) on the passing of her grandfather, Maurice Plante
- to Michelle Temple (Seaside A Cappella, Area 1) on the recent loss of her mother
- To Dee Davis (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) on the loss of her father-in-law, Ronald Lee Gonzalez
- to Jill Reid (ScotianAires, Area 1) on the loss of her father in law who passed away Feb 2, 2025
- to Ellen Rightmyer (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) on the loss of her great-niece, Gina Galletto
- to Ann Christiano (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) on the loss of her brother-in-law, Richard Helm
- to Judith (Judi) Betty (Seaside A Cappella, Area 1) on the loss of her brother, Bruce Everett Johnson
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you.
International Board of Directors Meetings |
IBOD quarterly meetings are open to the membership. Members are invited to submit items for consideration on the agenda. Agendas are posted in advance on the Members Only website. Please contact the Corporate Office for details on how to join the virtual meetings or where to attend the live meetings.
Upcoming 2025 meetings are scheduled:
- Mid-Year: April 19
- Q3: August 20
- Annual: November 2-5
Q1 2025 Meeting Minutes have been posted and can be found here.

The Contest Information Forms for AC&C are now available.
HAR-061 Official Area Quartet Contest Information Form
HAR-063 Official Area Chorus Contest Information Form
Note there has been a change in the Song Registration Form deadline from 2 weeks prior to contest to 30 days prior to contest. Best to get it in early.
International Convention & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox March 5. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is February 26.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2025 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.