It's the music that brings us together
It's the friendships that make us stay
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
We often refer to Harmony’s inspirational history when times are tough. Our early quest for inclusion, when we invited ALL women (particularly those of color or who were Jewish) to join our new organization, provided an embrace of diversity; we’re proud to this day of our founding principles. We’ve long realized that our music and our genre transcend every gulf and offer friendships - particularly between Canadian and US members - that are built on mutual respect and a love of four-part a cappella singing.
Harmony is an international barbershop family that is an unwavering beacon of collaboration, cooperation, shared understanding, and mutual respect. Our passion for this art form can transcend politics that can be divisive and polarizing.
At this point in our history, let’s hold fast to our founding ideals of embracing people who may not be like us but who also love to sing. And let’s all use the music and Harmony, Inc. to celebrate our enduring unity, goals, experiences, and friendships.
I’ll leave you with a snippet of the lyrics from It’s the Music That Brings Us Together, one of our common songs, written by Clay Hine:
When storms roll round, when life brings us down, when trouble and strife come our way, it’s the music that brings us together, but it’s the friendships that make us stay.
2025 Judges Category Training School |
FROM TOP: Jordan Travis coaches Four Shore's demo contest set at Category Training School 2025 in Debert Nova Scotia, January 17-20.
Elizabeth Houghton (ADM), Paige Sgrignoli (PER), and Jennifer Weigl (PER) all advanced to candidate status. Jessi Nasto (SNG) became a certified judge! |
HI accepts 5 new candidates into judging program and certifies two judges
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
After many years of braving snow, ice, and rain at the BCH Conference Center in Greenville, New Hampshire, this year members of Harmony, Inc.’s judging program braved snow, ice, and rain at the Debert Hospitality Center in Debert, Nova Scotia for Category Training School 2025. Hmmm. The weather isn’t a draw for CTS (let’s not talk about how attendees with connections through Newark got home), but the learning sure is.
Twenty-eight of us in person and six others by Zoom gathered in Debert for the weekend of January 17-20 to cram all the education we could into three days. Five quartets and one chorus from Area 1 provided forty-one hours of singing and eval time (!) so that the judges, candidates, and applicants could hone their scoring and evaluation skills. Many thanks to Four Shore, Harmonix, Hot Flash, QWiNN, Sister Q, and the Cobequid Fun-Tones for sharing their time and talent.
And learn we did. Drawing from her professional life, MUS Candidate Jenn Cleveland pointed us toward Harmony, Inc.’s policy on diversity, equity, and inclusion and taught a class on that subject. In a coaching-under-glass session, we all listened to Four Shore performing two songs as if in contest, and then watched as Adele Merritt (MUS), Theresa Weatherbee (PER), and Jordan Travis (SNG) conducted 15-minute evals, showing how the category perspectives differ and yet complement each other. And in our individual classrooms, we worked hard: we taught each other; we watched, scored, discussed, and evaluated performances; we set up and ran mock contests; et cetera, et cetera…
We were fortunate to have BHS consultants available to support each category. Joe Hunter (PER) and Jordan Travis (SNG) spent the weekend in person with their categories. In the MUS room, Steve Tramack joined the weekend by Zoom from New Hampshire. And Steve Armstrong and Mike Ott dropped by the ADM Category via Zoom as members of that category continued developing their skills in Barberscore.
There were even mass sing moments during the weekend. At one meal, we sang Rise Again for the staff. And at one break, the Area 1 members – judges, applicants, quartets, and chorus – joined together for an impromptu and moving rendition of She’s Called Nova Scotia.
So that was what we did. And how did it all come out? Exciting things happened. Applicants Elizabeth Houghton (ADM), Paige Sgrignoli (PER), and Jennifer Weigl (PER) all advanced to candidate status. Diane Patterson, who serves Harmony in two categories, and so must certify for one category in an “off” year, recertified in the Administrative Judge category. And Jessi Nasto (SNG) became a certified judge!
After the classes were finished and the status changes were announced, we took a few moments to unwind and party. I mean, what Harmony event would be complete without learning the “smelly cat” tag? If that that sounds intriguing, you just may need to contact Sue Novosad, the C&J Training Coordinator training@harmonyinc.org for more information about applying to the judging program.
International Contest Qualifying Scores |
Chorus qualifying score rises slightly
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
One of the questions I get asked most frequently as we head into contest season is, “Have the qualifying scores changed?” The answer this year is “yes” and “no”. Read on.
The chorus qualifying score for the International contest has increased to 828 (average of 69, a one-point increase), and the minimum qualifying score for invitation of chorus alternates has increased to 804 (average of 67, a one-point increase).
The qualifying and invitation scores for quartets remain where they were last year, at 828 (average of 69) and 804 (average 67), respectively.
The qualifying score for youth quartets remains as it was last year, at 780 (average of 65).
So “yes” and “no”, right? These scores are approved by the IBOD after it has reviewed a recommendation from the ICJ Committee. In making our recommendation, the committee looks at scores and contest sizes from previous years. Based on history, we consider the effect our recommendations might have on achieving target contest sizes of 27 choruses and 25 Harmony, Inc. quartets.
The good news is that qualifying scores have been slowly trending upward over the years, meaning that the quality of our International contests continues to improve. That is something to celebrate!
Harmony Fest West! Coming this Summer |
Harmony, Inc. is headed for the wild, wild west!
Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community, and an opportunity to compete to qualify for Harmony’s International Convention and Contests!
July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona, promises to be a blast as we continue to grow our westward expansion. Be a part of Harmony history and join us by contacting harmonyfestwest@harmonyinc.org today!
Board of Directors Nomination Process Revisited |
Revised nomination process leads to better-informed board candidates
Election process remains unchanged
By Linda Brehaut, Immediate Past President
In 2023, the Nominations Elections Task Force and the Governance & Nominations Committee conducted extensive research on board nominations and elections. Both groups felt that it was important that potential board candidates be clear about the expectations and qualifications for board service. As a result, we piloted a new nomination process and application for 2024 and will use the same process again for the 2025-2026 year.
This change is NOT an opportunity to deter interested members from applying. This is an opportunity to be better informed about the expectations around serving on the International Board. The decision to have your name on the ballot is still yours to make.
Although the nomination process is different this year, please rest assured that the election process has not changed. All members in good standing will have a vote in the election for the board members, including Area Directors. Members who are dual members in two Areas will have the privilege of voting for the Area Directors in both Areas but will only have one corporate vote.
If you know someone who is a strong leader, has a passion for growing Harmony, and might be interested in serving on the International Board, please pass that member's name along to me with a few brief comments on her time with Harmony. I will reach out to her as a follow up. If you are interested in putting your name forward, please fill out the Expression of Interest form by March 1 to allow time to schedule a chat with a member from the Governance & Nominations Committee.
That's a wrap!
Directors First program achieves its goal
By Anne Bureau, Director Philanthropy
The Directors First program wrapped up last summer. For five years, it facilitated sending our musical leaders off to Harmony University to learn how to be great directors, teachers, and musicians, and bring back those newly-honed skills to their respective choruses.
Here’s the summary of the program.
The Directors First Program was launched in the fall of 2016 with a fundraising campaign. The goal was simple: Over a five-year period, send one musical director or member of the musical leadership team from each Harmony chapter to Harmony University, a world-class educational experience hosted by the Barbershop Harmony Society. We knew it would expose our directors and musical leaders to an extraordinary barbershop harmony education, which would trickle down to every set of risers in our organization.
The Directors First program has now concluded. Fifty-seven members benefitted directly from this program. We are grateful to those who financially contributed to the program. Over 100 donors participated and donated funds to ensure its mission was accomplished – furthering education for our musical leaders, and stronger directors equal stronger chapters, which equal stronger Areas, which equal a stronger international organization.
Read the entire report on the Harmony, Inc. website.

By Donna McKay, Executive Vice President
With the new year comes new opportunities to serve Harmony, Inc. Several assistants have shifted seats to new positions -- think of it as our annual game of musical chairs. This year, we find ourselves needing new leaders in the positions of Music Coordinator, Chorus Director Development Coordinator, and Web Manager, as well as a well-organized individual to manage our stellar Marketing Team. Look in the mirror, now, and ask yourself, "Could it be me?" All positions come with clear, detailed job descriptions and experienced teams to support your efforts. Take a deep breath, step forward, click the link and volunteer. You'll be so glad you did!
Please consider serving as:
Music Coordinator
This volunteer reports to the Director of Programs (Music & Education).
The Music Coordinator invites the director of the current International Championship Chorus to direct the International Chorus at the next IC&C. The Music Coordinator works with the director to select the music and secures up to 100 singers to perform in the International Chorus at IC&C.
Candidates for this position should possess sound organizational and communication skills. The Music Coordinator job description can be found in the corporate manual and includes detailed instructions for inviting singers to participate in the International Chorus.
If you are not a Harmony volunteer, this is your chance to get involved! If you would like more information, please contact the Director of Programs (Music & Education). Are you ready to apply? Complete the application form HAR-001.
Chorus Director Development Coordinator
This volunteer reports to the Director of Programs (Music & Education).
The Chorus Director Development Coordinator serves as an advisor and resource provider for all Harmony, Inc. chorus directors. They communicate regularly with chorus directors, share educational materials and other resources, and assist in meeting their training needs. The Chorus Director Development Coordinator administers the Director Mentoring Program designed to foster the development of musical directors interested in building their skills.
If you would like more information, please contact the Director of Programs (Music & Education). Additional details about this position can be found in the corporate manual. To apply, complete the application form HAR-001.
Marketing Team Manager
This volunteer position reports to the Executive Director and oversees the operations of the Marketing & Communications Team.
The ideal candidate has experience in project management and is capable of creating and executing marketing plans from start to finish. This individual will work closely with the Marketing & Communications Team, coordinating efforts among team members to create and present compelling, informative campaigns highlighting Harmony and its members and programs. The role will likely require an average of 5-10 hours of work per week.
If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Executive Director Kelly Peterson.
Nova Scotia, Here We Come! ICC 2029 |
Sue Trenchard Quartet Service Award Nominations |
Corporate Office Words of Wisdom |

Log in to confirm your contact info is correct
It's that time of year when membership renewals are just around the corner and what better time to confirm your contact information?!
Reviewing your contact information yearly helps to ensure you receive communications from Harmony, Inc., your area and your chapter.
You can personally ensure your contact information is correct by logging into the Harmony, Inc. website, checking your profile and making any necessary updates.
Most updates made here will be transferred to the Corporate Office database.
Chapter leadership, if you have any additions/corrections to your official rosters outside of new members, dual members, or resigning members please use HAR-068A-Additions/Corrections to Official Roster. For example, this is the form to use when an Associate member decides to join your chorus.

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Sound Celebration in memory of Ruth Jaeger
International Contest & Judging Committee in honour of Steve Armstrong
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Mike Ott
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Steve Tramack
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Joe Hunter
International Contest & Judging Committee in honour of Jordan Travis
Jennifer Cleveland
Tracey Beatty
Stacy Hugman
Jill Reid
Jennifer Weigl
Angie Dolber
Fatima Whelan
Sue Kember
Jeanne Viscito
Jessi Nasto
Patricia Cassidy
Elizabeth Houghton
Marie Ross
Four Shore
Sister Q
- to NoteAble Blend (Area 2) on the loss of their longtime member, Carole Seaver
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you. |

The Contest Information Forms for AC&C are now available.
HAR-061 Official Area Quartet Contest Information Form
HAR-063 Official Area Chorus Contest Information Form
Note there has been a change in the Song Registration Form deadline from 2 weeks prior to contest to 30 days prior to contest. Best to get it in early.
International Convention & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox February 20. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is February 13.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2025 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.