An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Harmony, Incorporated without having to regularly visit the website.
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The RSS feeds for Harmony, Incorporated are listed below...
Harmony Headlines – March 7, 2025 Coming Soon New Resources and Tools!
Member Experience Tool Kit and Library (METAL) – Our Member Experience Working Group is hard at work developing resources and our tool kit designed to help improve the member experience! They will share these resources in the coming months. These resources cover both mindset and mechanics. The Members Experience Working Group will also share mechanics – practical tools, strategies, and systems that will help leaders and members engage more effectively. Each chapter and area is different, so none of these are on-size-fits-all solutions. Stay tuned for updates!
Harmony Fest West! We’re headed to the wild, wild west! Join us this summer for a weekend of hot harmonies featuring a festival chorus contest, quartet contest, education, and coaching from some of your favorite members of the judging community! July 10-13 in Tempe, Arizona promises to be a blast. Want more details? Contact for more details or check out our webpage Harmony Fest West. Be sure to check back often as we update the details!
Agenda Items The mid-2025 2025 IBOD meeting is scheduled for April 18th. You can submit agenda items using HAR-009 Agenda items are due by March 18th.
Ask Liz Column Be sure to check out this week’s HI-Note for our Ask Liz column by Elizabeth Meeker, Membership Coordinator! Our Ask Liz column is a recurring feature where Liz addresses questions from new members. The Q&As are great for both new members and those who were once newbies too!
HI-Story Bonus HI-Story Content to celebrate a successful Harmony Awareness Week! Harmony, Inc.'s first certified Judges! Lauren Linderman, Certified Sound Judge Barbara-Ann MacIntosh, Certified Stage Presence Judge, and Nancy Foris, Certified Interpretation Judge.