Official E-Note Publication of Harmony, Inc.
Original Message:
Table of Contents - President's Message
- How Are Judging Panels Selected?
- This Year's IC&C Qualifying Score
- We Heard You!
- For Love of Harmony
- Condolences From The Membership
- Celebrations
- Deadlines Approaching
- 2024 Area Conventions & Contests
- International Conventions & Contests
- Next Issue
Great ideas
Where do they come from?
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
This note combines two concepts - chasing shiny objects (or not) and the message we all hear at airports, "If you see something, say something."
Has the International President lost her mind?
I've traveled a lot recently, on Harmony's behalf and for my own fun. When I've heard that announcement in a terminal, it has made me think about all the great ideas that come from you, Harmony's members. If you see something... think something... dream something... that might enhance your Harmony experience, say something and let us know. Some of the best and most forward-thinking programs and plans come to the International Board of Directors from you all. Organizations that don't look ahead are actually falling behind; that's never been Harmony, Inc! Your ideas are always welcome, anytime, to help us chart our course forward.
Shiny objects - that's directly related to great ideas! We have a strategic plan (Harmony. Stronger. 2023) that provides a roadmap for our future. The IBOD has worked hard to take every great idea and view it through the lens of our strategic plan. Is the "great idea" aligned with our strategic priorities, or is it a proverbial shiny object - something fun and interesting, but not something that moves our strategic plan forward?
I invite you all to share your great ideas. I applaud our IBOD for their commitment to moving our strategic plan forward while being mindful of our resources (people and financial.). The juxtaposition of these two things necessitates conversations and choices, but that's what makes Harmony special. We can do it! Onward and upward...
How Are Judging Panels Selected? |
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
Since taking on this job as ICJC, I’ve had some questions about how panel assignments are made. Heading into the AC&C season seems like a good time to talk about the process. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. Here’s how it works.
First, I send a blanket email to all judges in the world (really) who are certified under the same judging system we use, giving them our contest weekend information, and asking if they are available. I always get a response from all of our own judges, and usually, I hear from between 25 and 35 others. Some of the responders let me know they are unavailable, some are available for just one weekend, and some are available for almost all. Using the availability offered, I create a spreadsheet showing who can judge when.
In an ideal world...
Then, looking at that availability, the Category Specialists and I apply some principles of assignment. In an ideal world, each of our own judges would be assigned to two panels, and never the same Area two years in a row. Judges would never serve two weekends in a row. We would fill in the gaps with our wonderful BHS (and LABBS, BABBS, BHNZ, and BHAustralia!) volunteers. All of our volunteer judges from other organizations would serve in an Area before serving at our IC&C. Driving costs and airfare would be easily affordable from all parts of the world. None of our judges would be related to, friends with, or coaches of any of the contestants.
Now, let's get real
Of course, reality is another thing, but with these ideas in mind, we assign panels for the year and ask each judge to accept the assignment for which they gave availability. Sometimes, proposed panelists indicate (always with apologies!) that availability has disappeared in the time between the offer and acceptance. In the best of all possible worlds, another judge is available to be slipped into that slot easily. Otherwise, it’s back to the drawing board.
Opportunities to excel
What if the number of judges available in a weekend is limited? This year, no Singing Judges responded that they could judge the Area 2 contest weekend. Yikes! The responses we did receive told us that many judges are involved in BHS contests, Area Education Days, and show performances that weekend. When that happens, sometimes we go back to those who have responded already to see if there is any flexibility in their responses. More often, our next step is to check with individuals we haven’t heard from to ask whether they are available to help out. But if that doesn’t work, we stand ready to think outside the box. Sometimes there are possibilities for a shared panel assignment (one judge for quartet, another for chorus). Sometimes, an advanced candidate or a retired judge is an option. If we are able to find only one judge for a category, we can double the single judge’s score to weight the category equally with other categories. So far, we’ve always figured something out. Don’t worry: that includes this year for the Singing category in Area 2!
And more opportunities...
To tell the truth, though, panel assignment is a work in progress right up until the contest begins. After the panels are set, a judge’s circumstances can change. This happens seldom, but it does require finding a substitute. And assignments can change in the moment when a judge headed for a contest weekend has a family emergency, becomes ill, or is on a canceled flight. Sometimes in that case, we are able to find a judge who can drop everything and get to the contest weekend. Other times, we find judges who are in the audience simply as attendees and ask them to serve on the panel. (Good news – we’ve never been turned down.)
So that’s the process in a rather big nutshell. With this as background, I invite you to check out the next issue of the HI Note, where I will discuss how we handle the panel assignment challenge that I call “the family and friends conundrum”.
This Year's IC&C Qualifying Score |
Qualifying Scores for International Contests
By Kathy Greason, ICJ Chair
There are several things to know about the AC&C scoring numbers that may qualify your chorus or quartet for inclusion in the 2024 International Contests:
- The qualifying score for the 2024 International Contest for CHORUSES is 816 (average 68%).
- Those who do not qualify but score between 792 and 815 may be considered as alternates to the contest.
- The need for alternate choruses will not be known until the International Contest entry deadline for the last Area contest qualifiers. Therefore, it is anticipated that if the need for alternate choruses arises, they will be contacted in late June or July, after the last 2024 Area contest.
- When all positions have been filled, this information will be posted in the HI Note and on the website.
- The qualifying score for the 2024 International Contest for QUARTETS is 828 (average 69%).
- Those who do not qualify but score between 804 and 827 may be considered as alternates to the contest.
- The need for alternate quartets will not be known until the International Contest entry deadline for the last Area contest qualifiers. Therefore, it is anticipated that if the need for alternate quartets arises, they will be contacted in late June or July, after the last 2024 Area contest.
- When all positions have been filled, this information will be posted in the HI Note and on the website.
If you have questions about this message, please contact International Contest & Judging Chair, Kathy Greason.
Reflections on the Membership Survey
By Taralee Lashway, Director of Membership
We each may have but one voice, but together we make glorious harmonies!
Over the last couple of years we have invited the membership to "speak your minds" - let us know what YOU are feeling and thinking - with Annual Membership Surveys. The information from these surveys gave us SO much wonderful data. We want to share with you just how we are answering your calls and show you how your input is making Harmony, Inc. more extraordinary and member-centric.
Quartet development
A recent survey reflected great interest in quartet opportunitiess and quartet development. We decided to dig a little deeper to really analyze and understand what you were asking for, to connect with you and ask more purposeful questions in an effort to see what was missing, how we could utilize our resources, what you liked and didn’t like, and what we could do to give you what you were looking for. That led to a wonderful new pilot program, the Quartet Development Focus Group.
Volunteer participants from all aspects of Harmony represented you in an open, genuine, and detailed discussion about quartetting. Participants spoke purposefully, thoughtfully, and abundantly, allowing us to truly hone in on how we could do more to support new quartets, members who want to quartet, and experienced quartets who aspire to be even more successful.
From the focus group, we have created a task force to implement the ideas we heard; the result will be some exciting new programs, databases, and events that will reflect your wishes and the most important component of Harmony…YOU! Look for more information - coming soon - that will show how your voice has made a difference.
We understand that winds of change move slowly, but we truly appreciate all your input, time, and assistance to keep us growing and progressing.
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Newfound Sound Chorus in memory of Sheila Connolly
The Over Tones, Inc. in honour of Onyx
The Over Tones, Inc. in memory of Mike McIsaac
Sisters of Sound in memory of Eudellee Cole
Sisters of Sound in memory of Kathy Murphy
Condolences From The Membership |
- to Geneva Hamilton (Sisters of Sound, Area 6) on the passing of Eudellee Cole
- to Mary Ann Cantwell (Sisters of Sound, Area 6) on the passing of Kathy Murphy
- to Kristin Gunasekara (Sisters of Sound, Area 6) on the passing of Kathy Murphy
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Corporate Office Assistant to be recorded. Thank you.
The Thousand Islanders (Area 5), under the direction of Stuart MacMartin, celebrate Harmony's 65th and St. Patrick's Day with shamrocks and song. "We love Harmony, Inc. and feel lucky to be a part of the organization," says Stacy Hugman
2024 Area Conventions & Contests |
International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox April 5. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is March 28.
See you again, soon!