Official E-Note publication of Harmony, Inc.
Original message:
Table of Contents - President's Message: IBOD Elections
- Convention Corner: IC&C in Verona, NY
- International Chorus
- Minor Chords International Youth Chorus
- Barbershop News
- Quartet Corner: Road Trip
- Membership Adventures: Welcome, Tessa!
- New Address for Corporate Office
- Harmony needs YOU!
- Harmony Shoppe
- Harmony Notes
President's Message: IBOD Elections |
IBOD selection explained
Linda Brehaut |
By Linda Brehaut, International President
Why is it we try to cram so much living into these short summer months! I hope whatever you are doing, you are doing it because you want to!
There has been some wonderful Barbershop happening this summer, particularly the BHS convention. Congratulations to those Harmony, Inc. members who enjoy membership in both organizations and crossed the stage in Charlotte this month.
How are IBOD positions selected?
The IBOD made an extra effort to take the month of July and minimize the number of meetings we would schedule. August will bring us back to reality as we prepare for the IBOD third-quarter meeting. I am looking forward to having Sandi McCreary, our incoming Area 5 Director, and Kelly Mullaly, our interim Area 1 Director, join us at the table (Area 1 members – recruitment is ongoing so please consider if this is something that might fit your schedule next year). In my preliminary planning for this meeting, I had a thought. Have you ever wondered how the International President is selected? Or any other Board position? Maybe the thought never crossed your mind, but I am thinking it would be good for you to know so that when the day comes that you would like to run for the Board, you will have a sense of what will happen.
I will try to explain it using a short-form version!
- The membership (that is all of you) votes in the spring to elect members to the Board and not into specific positions.
- At our Q3 meeting in August, the current members of the IBOD along with Board-elect members have the opportunity to share their strengths and interests and indicate if there is a Board position that they feel best suited to.
- At the end of our meeting, the incoming Board will nominate and vote on the Executive Committee positions. (President, Executive VP, VP Finance and VP Convention and Contests).
- Once the Executive Committee is seated, they will appoint the four Board Directors into each of the operational positions (Director of Membership, Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Philanthropy, and Director of Programs (Music and Education)).
- The Executive Committee, four Board Directors and six Area Directors along with our Advisors, including Immediate Past President, Strategic Advisor, Financial Advisor and Parliamentarian, represent your leadership.
- These positions do not take effect until following the installation ceremony at IC&C. The time from August until November, allows those taking on new positions to work alongside those currently serving so they are comfortable with their role after convention.
There you have it. I hope that either answers some questions or generates some. As always, if you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask it.
IC&C details are rolling out quickly – so exciting! Booking our rooms is making this feel like it is really going to happen – Together Again! Let us just sit and think about that for a minute...
Convention Corner: IC&C in Verona, NY |
Together again in Verona!
By Allison Thompson, International Convention Manager
IC&C is a little more than three months away! Please watch the Hi-Note for important information and reminders so you don’t miss out! You’ll also find an FAQ document on the IC&C website that should answer most of your IC&C-related questions.
AEPs / Hotel Room Blocks
The AEP purchase and Turning Stone room block reservations are now open. Please visit the IC&C website,, for instructions on how to reserve your hotel room and order your AEPs.
All IC&C events are taking place in the Turning Stone event center, and below is a high-level overview of the agenda. Once the final agenda is approved, we will share it with everyone.
Schedule of Events
Wednesday, November 2
Evening - Opening Ceremony
Thursday, November 3
All Day - Quartet Semi Finals
Friday, November 4
Morning/Afternoon - Chorus Contest
Evening - Parade of Champions
Saturday, November 5
Morning - Education Classes/Master Classes
Afternoon - Quartet Finals Contest
Evening - Dinner & Showcase of Champions, Closing Ceremony
Important Deadlines:
Convention Program: September 1, 2022*
AEP Purchase: September 15, 2022
Dinner Registration: September 15, 2022
Big Screen Ads: September 15, 2022
Harmony Mall Table Sales: September 15, 2022
Hotel Room Reservations: October 1, 2022
Quartets: Any personnel changes made after the IC&C Contest Entry Form is submitted must be sent to the Quartet Development Coordinator, the International Contest & Judging chair, and the Convention Manager by September 1 in order for changes to be reflected in the program.
*Please note: Harmony, Inc. is going green! There will be NO PRINTED PROGRAMS onsite. This year’s agenda will be made available online, via the mobile app and in the Geek Book. We will also create a PDF program that can be downloaded by attendees prior to arrival.
Chorus Rehearsal Space
Is your chorus wanting an onsite rehearsal space Thursday or Friday? All choruses are invited to schedule a block of time for rehearsals, gatherings, or meals (food must be purchased through the hotel.) Friday’s times will be pre-assigned based on the order of appearance, and you will be notified of that time via email. If you are interested in signing up for a time on Thursday, please email the
If your chorus or quartet is in possession of an award from our 2019 IC&C, it will need to be returned in Verona, N.Y. Awards must be returned in their travel cases or bags, be in good condition and be engraved if this is required.
Return the Award to the hospitality room as soon as you arrive.
Awards are required to be returned no later than Thursday, November 3. If your chorus or quartet is not attending IC&C this year, it is still the responsibility of the award holder to make the necessary arrangements to return the award as required.
Photo Order Forms
Our photographer for this year’s IC&C is Read Photography. Many of you may know this photographer from BHS and Sweet Adelines conventions. Photography order forms are now available on the IC&C website in the forms section.
Airport/Hotel Transportation
The hotel does not have a shuttle, but you can book an Uber, Lyft, or taxi from the airport from $75 – $100 each way. We are also working with an outside company to provide a shuttle service on peak arrival and departure days (Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday). Watch your email for more information on pricing and how to sign up.
If you have any questions about IC&C please reach out to me at
If you are interested in promoting your chorus or quartet, or want to offer well wishes, you can order a Big Screen Ad for this year’s IC&C for $35 USD using this link:
Now is the time to book a table in the Harmony Mall at 2022 International Convention & Contests in Verona, NY. This is a great opportunity to sell your wares and raise money for your chapter. You may do so here:
In addition, Harmony would like to provide an opportunity for outside vendors to sell their wares in the Harmony Mall. If you know of vendors who would like to display and sell their products to those in attendance (over 800 people), please send their contact information to
2022 International Chorus
Sara Stone |
By Sara Stone, Director Programs (Music and Education)
Information about the International Chorus will be sent to chapters and associates later this month. Jordan Travis, the director of A Cappella Showcase, will be directing the International Chorus again this year. The great news is that we will be IN PERSON! Once song and part information are available, chapters and associates will be emailed pertinent information.
Minor Chords International Youth Chorus |
Minor Chords return at Turning Stone
Kristin Gunasekera |
By Kristin Gunasekera, Youth Programs Coordinator
It is SO exciting! We will be singing together, in person, at Turning Stone Resort in November.
I hope everyone is enjoying summer. All of the AC&Cs are over and choruses and quartets are preparing for IC&C. And that means it’s time to sign up for the Minor Chords.
The Minor Chords is a chorus made up of all youth members who attend the International Convention and Contests in November. This year, all Youth AEPs will be fully funded by money held in trust for youth programs by Harmony, Inc. That means you get to sing with all of the Youth in Harmony for free!
The Minor Chords will be singing Sunny Side Medley, arranged by Nancy Bergman.
It’s easy to sign up! Fill in the form here: and submit by SEPTEMBER 15. Then you will receive a link to the music and learning tracks. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me or call 407-719-4363.
Harmony, Inc. at BHS Internationals
Gaye LaCasce |
Every year, the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International, and Harmony, Inc. invite the other organizations’ Presidents and/or CEOs to be guests at their respective international conventions. While the visitors pay their own expenses, they do receive complimentary all-events passes. This good-will gesture ensures that the leaders of these barbershop organizations have an opportunity to meet with their counterparts, to maintain lines of communication and cordial relationships.
This year is no exception; from July 5 – 10, Harmony's Executive Vice President, Gaye LaCasce, accepted the invitation and stood in for International President Linda Brehaut as Harmony’s representative to the BHS International Convention in Charlotte, N.C. Gaye had the opportunity to meet with barbershop leaders from all over the world, both at one-on-one meetings and in larger groups. Those meetings have provided valuable insights into the challenges and plans of all barbershop organizations. Gaye reports that a true highlight was seeing so many Harmony members there, in volunteer positions, supporting spouses and significant others, and on stage!
Quartet Corner: Road Trip |
L to R: Katie Ritz (tenor), Sandy McCreary (bass),
Gabrielle Maas (lead), Diane Nicholson (bari)
Beep, beep! Welcome, Road Trip!
By Jessica Jones, Quartet Development Coordinator
Area 5’s A Cappella Showcase welcomes its seventh quartet, RoadTrip! This crew got together several months ago for the fun, friendships, and challenge of quartet singing. Diane gets her chance at singing baritone again, too. While choosing a name is always tough, RoadTrip made sense since these friends come from Kitchener, Paris, Ancaster, and St. Catharines. It’s always a road trip just to rehearsals and conventions! Plus, they all have a great time on their travels, so the name stuck.
These singers attempt to get together for weekly rehearsals and plan to perform with A Cappella Showcase, for their community, and compete. Interestingly enough, Katie, Sandy, Gabrielle, and Diane have all sung in various quartets over the past 40 years – with a combined 100+ years of barbershop singing!
RoadTrip looks forward to growing and sharing their love of music with Harmony friends. Welcome!
Membership Adventures: Welcome, Tessa! |
Announcing a new Associate Member Coordinator
By Kim Meechan, Director of Membership
Tessa Walker
Associate Member Coordinator |
Did you know that Harmony, Inc. has 223 Associate members? We value each and every one of you and want to ensure you continue to enjoy a positive experience with Harmony, Inc. Associate members have the same rights and privileges that Chapter members have, with the only exception being that they are not affiliated with a chapter. People become Associate members for many reasons, and although they don’t perform with a chapter at conventions, they can perform in a quartet, serve on Area Council, and be members of the International Board of Directors.
I am pleased to announce that Tessa Walker has been appointed as our new Associate Members Coordinator by the President of Harmony, Inc. That appointment was recently ratified by the IBOD. Tessa will be collecting information, ideas, and experiences from other Associates, so be prepared if she reaches out to you for input! A few of her initial priorities include engaging with Associate members in the Expansion Areas as well Area Associate Representatives. Please join me in welcoming Tessa to her new position on the Membership Team!
New Address for Corporate Office |
Corporate Office is moving!
The new address, effective August 1, is
Harmony, Inc. Corporate Office
9466 Pleasant Level Rd
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Try Something New for Harmony!
By Gaye La Casce, Executive Vice-President
How fortunate our organization is to have so many willing and generous volunteers! Only two volunteer positions are currently unfilled - a coordinator position for public relations, and a coordinator position to work with copyright and licensing initiatives. Both come with training, camaraderie, support - and enthusiastic thanks from the IBOD and all who will benefit from the successes of these two important positions!
If you've ever wondered about how to become more involved in this organization that gives us so much, please contact me at
Attention all Harmony, Inc. shoppers!
Looking for Harmony, Inc. merchandise? Don’t forget to check out the Harmony Shoppe,! Remember that you can choose to have prices displayed (and make payment) in Canadian or U.S. dollars.
Condolences from the Membership
- to Nancy Lovell (past member of Harmony Falls) and Jessi Nasto (Northern Blend Chorus) on the passing of their daughter/sister, Eliesha Lovell.
- to Ali James (Northern Blend) on the passing of her father, Thomas James.
Deadlines approaching!
AUGUST 1: Deadline to submit nomination for Sue Trenchard Award.
AUGUST 15: U.S. Chapters file 990-N with IRS.
SEPTEMBER 15: Deadline to register for Minor Chords
SEPTEMBER 30: Canadian Chapters file T2 with Revenue Canada.
NOVEMBER 2-6: IC&C, Verona, N.Y.
Copyright © 2022 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.